
additional Pre-Order date notice

작성자푸바스탭|작성시간17.07.15|조회수455 목록 댓글 0

The additional Pre-Order date for Legend of the Blue Sea’s director edited Bluray & DVD is fixed.

It is from Korean time July 18th (Tue)10am~~Korean time July 31st(Mon) midnight 12 o’clock

There is no option for dividing the payment, so you can only pay at ‘once’.

*Additional pre-order: including the special kit, same price with the previous pre-order.

*Normal order: excluding the special kit, with changed price (there is a possibility the price goes up--not fixed: there will be notice later)

So, we recommend you to buy in the additional pre-order date

Please order it Bluray & DVD of Legend of the Blue Sea with special kit, buying it in time.

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