[프리콘텐츠]3월 정기토익 대비 이코노미 RC 1000제 대박자료 4회

작성자모질게토익|작성시간09.03.19|조회수300 목록 댓글 0

** 토익 만점 보장보험 모질게 토익 독자 사랑 서비스 **



      모질게 토익  이코노미 1000제로 매일매일 풀어보는 대박자료(문제+해설)를 제공해드립니다.

      3월 29일 토익~목표점수 달성 GO GO~!!



 - 3월 19일 이코노미 RC1000제 대박자료  4회- 



 Part 5


101. ------- for the money management seminar will be forwarded to all the managers tomorrow.

(A) Invite             (B) Invitations     (C) Inviting          (D) Invitation



102. The employee-of-the-year prizes will be awarded to employees who demonstrated ------- contribution to the company? overall sales.

(A) whole            (B) inclusive      (C) exceptional   (D) multiple



103. Those who have questions concerning fringe benefits are advised to consult ------- employee handbook.

(A) their               (B) they           (C) themselves    (D) theirs



104. The summary contains not only a technical ------- but also solutions to adverse effects of urban renewal developments.

(A) description   (B) attention       (C) information    (D) mistake



105. The conference? keynote speaker addressed ------- impacts of digital technology on the current music industry.

(A) variety           (B) variably        (C) variation        (D) various         



106.  Documents with a secret nature are ------- retained in each director? safety deposit box.

(A) relatively       (B) slightly         (C) usually          (D) vaguely



107. The fitness club ------- a steadily increasing number of customers and is eager to develop new programs.

(A) see               (B) seen           (C) seeing          (D) has seen



108. The job fair held in the City Center last week is considered the most ------- one so far, with over 3,000 people in attendance.

(A) overall           (B) successful   (C) wealthy         (D) delighted



109. The effects of affordable housing ------- in rural areas will be discussed at the conference.

(A) develops      (B) developing    (C) development (D) developed



110. Because the annual budget report must be submitted ------- the end of the month, employees are busy calculating figures.

(A) on                 (B) between       (C) by                 (D) except



111. Even though assigned tasks are somewhat complex, we will have to complete them before we ------- for the day.

(A) leave             (B) leaving        (C) to leave         (D) have left



112. All workers are required to use the sheet provided to ------- their working hours and have their manager sign the form to verify the hours at the end of each day.

(A) practice        (B) rewind        (C) record          (D) attend



113. Even if residents in the area have shown strong ------- to the project, the city government may not be hesitant to proceed with it.

(A) resisting       (B) resistant      (C) resisted        (D) resistance



114. The team members have the same opinions on the matter ------- they shared the same information.

(A) following       (B) more than    (C) because       (D) unless



115. The two divisions have unveiled ------- plan to set aside millions of dollars to invest in a very lucrative field.

(A) they              (B) them          (C) their              (D) those



116. ------- proficiency in German would be of much help, it is not a requirement for the advertised position.

(A) Otherwise     (B) Despite      (C) Regarding     (D) Although



117. We had to spend the whole month searching for better solutions, and ------- customers were impressed by our efforts.

(A) fortunate       (B) fortunes     (C) fortune          (D) fortunately



118. The purchasing department ------- the drastic changes to the purchasing practice with outside suppliers.

(A) involved        (B) agreed      (C) announced    (D) maintained



119. ------- anyone wish to access the information on the status of his or her order, the password should be entered.

(A) If                   (B) Should       (C) Whether        (D) As though



120. The ------- of the internship program are to help job seekers strengthen their professional skills and make them suitable for careers they are looking for.

(A) destinations  (B) treatments  (C) goals            (D) opinions





 mp파일 및 해설  자료:


첨부파일 2009년3월19일_모질게이코RC_대박자료해설.doc


* 본 내용은 [모질게 토익 이코노미 LC1000제 문제집/해설집] 중 일부를 사용한 것입니다.  




임정섭, 노준형 / 10,000원        Lori / 10,000원            짐리 / 12,000원        강진오, 강원기 / 12,000원  임정섭, 장광혁 / 10,000원


 모질게 토익 베스트셀러 <이코노미 시리즈>

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