[프리콘텐츠]4월 정기토익 대비 뉴토익 LC 1000제 대박자료 2회

작성자모질게토익|작성시간09.03.31|조회수410 목록 댓글 2

** 토익 만점 보장보험 모질게 토익 독자 사랑 서비스 **



      모질게 토익  이코노미 1000제로 매일매일 풀어보는 대박자료(문제+해설)를 제공해드립니다.

      4월 26일 토익~목표점수 달성 GO GO~!!



 - 3월 31일 뉴토익 LC1000제 대박자료 2회- 


  Part 3


Questions 41-43 refer to the following conversation.


41. What is the woman's problem?

(A) Her hard drive crashed.

(B) She need a DVD player.

(C) Her computer is too slow.

(D) She is looking for a new job.


42. Why does the man recommend Tower PC Shop?

(A) It offers good customer service.

(B) It has good prices.

(C) It is in a good location.

(D) It will buy his old computer.


43. What does the man suggest the woman do?

(A) Keep her computer.

(B) Buy a new hard drive.

(C) Repair her computer.

(D) Take her computer to the store.


Questions 44-46 refer to the following conversation.


44. What has Janet done this week?

(A) Sold a coffe table.

(B) Called a customer

(C) E-mailed a salesperson

(D) Purchsed a coffee table


45. Why is the woman asked to make a phone call?

(A) To inquire about prices

(B) To place an order

(C) To get an address

(D) To reply to a customer


46. What are they worried about?

(A) Declining sales volume

(B) The need to send an order

(C) A customer service problem

(D) Losing customers


Questions 47-49 refer to the following conversation.


47. What time is the plane due to take off?

(A) At 5 o'clock

(B) At 7 o'clock

(C) At 8 o'clock

(D) At 10 o'clock


48. Why is the man concerned?


(A) The phone is not working.

(B) He bought the wrong plane tickets.

(C) He hasn't prepard for a meeting

(D) He will be late for an appointment.


49. Why was the woman planning to call the managers?


(A) To change the meetin to another date

(B) To schedule a ride form the airport

(C) To talk about a proposal

(D) To get information about  a meeting


Questions 50-52 refer to the following conversation.


50. When does the man offer to return?


(A) In 30 minutes

(B) In an hour

(C) In 2 hours

(D) In 3 hours


51. Where is Mrs.Grant?


(A) At lunch

(B) Out of town

(C) In a meeting

(D) In another building


52. What are they talking about?


(A) Lunch options

(B) A delivery

(C) Mrs. Grant's performance

(D) Traffic


Questions 53-55 refer to the following conversation.


53. Where are they?


(A) At a bakery

(B) At a book signing 

(C) At a restaurant

(D) At a trainging session


54. What does the woman ask the man to do?


(A) Bring her some soup

(B) Describe a sandwich

(C) Suggest a side dish

(D) Recommend some food


55. What will the woman do first?


(A) Eat her lunch

(B) Ask for help

(C) Call a friend

(D) Think about an order





 mp파일 및 해설  자료:


첨부파일 2009년_3월31일_모질게 뉴토익 LC1000제_대박자.zip


 * 본 내용은 [모질게 토익 뉴토익 LC1000제 문제집/해설집] 중 일부를 사용한 것입니다.  






       <뉴토익 LC 1000제>            <뉴토익 RC 1000제 문제집>    <뉴토익 RC 1000제 해설집>

  토미 / 18,500원                         박병재 / 14,000원                  박병재 / 18,000원



 <모질게 토익 뉴토익 시리즈>


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