[프리콘텐츠]4월 정기토익 대비 뉴토익 LC 1000제 대박자료 3회

작성자모질게토익|작성시간09.04.01|조회수228 목록 댓글 4

** 토익 만점 보장보험 모질게 토익 독자 사랑 서비스 **



      모질게 토익  이코노미 1000제로 매일매일 풀어보는 대박자료(문제+해설)를 제공해드립니다.

      4월 26일 토익~목표점수 달성 GO GO~!!



 - 4월 1일 뉴토익 LC1000제 대박자료 3회- 


  Part 4


Questions 71-73 refer to the following telephone message.


71. What is the call about?

(A) A delayed flight

(B) A job opening

(C) A piece of luggage

(D) A trip to Bangkok


72. Where will Mr.Kaufman receive his luggage?

(A) At his hotel

(B) At a post office

(C) At the airport

(D) At the Baggage Service office


73. When is the shipment expected to arrive?

(A) This evening

(B) Tomorrow morning

(C) Tomorrow afternoon

(D) Tomorrow eveningg


Questions 74-76 refer to the following announcement


74. What is the purpose of the announcement?

(A) To announce a special on fruit prices

(B) To tell shoppers the shop is closing

(C) To advertise the new store hours

(D) To welcome customers to the store


75. Where should shoppers with questions go?

(A) To the service counter

(B) To the produce section

(C) To the nearest cashier

(D) To the assistant manger


76. What change is being introduced this weekend?

(A) There will be daily specials on fruit.

(B) The shop will be remodeled.

(C) The shop will stay open longer.

(D) The shop will close earlier.


Questions 77-79 refer to the following talk.


77. Who is the speaker?

(A) A waiter

(B) A restaurant customer

(C) The manager

(D) A cook


78. What comes with the main dishes?

(A) A beverage

(B) Silverware

(C) A side dish

(D) Dinner rolls


79. How much does the cheesecake cost? 

(A) $3

(B) $4

(C) $10

(D) $16


Questions 80-82 refer to the following conversation.


80. Who is the speaker?

(A) A customer service representative

(B) A president

(C) A marketing agent

(D) A manager


81. What is the announcement about? 

(A) Changes in customer service

(B) Globlization of advertising

(C) A new marketing strategy

(D) An incresase in profits


82. What will staff members receive?

(A) A raise

(B) A discount on all goods

(C) A bonus

(D) A coupon


Questions 83-85 refer to the following broadcast.


83. What is the broadcast about? 

(A) A jazz musician

(B) A radio DJ

(C) A classical music concert

(D) A music producer


84. How old is Mr.Checks? 

(A) Fifteen

(B) Seventeen

(C) Eighty-six

(D) Sixty-eight


85. When will the interview take place? 

(A) Tomorrow morning

(B) Tonight agter the concert

(C) Tomorrow afternoon

(D) Tomorrow at 8 p.m.






 mp파일 및 해설  자료:

첨부파일 2009년_4월1일_모질게 뉴토익 LC1000제_대박자료.zip

 * 본 내용은 [모질게 토익 뉴토익 LC1000제 문제집/해설집] 중 일부를 사용한 것입니다.  






       <뉴토익 LC 1000제>            <뉴토익 RC 1000제 문제집>    <뉴토익 RC 1000제 해설집>

  토미 / 18,500원                         박병재 / 14,000원                  박병재 / 18,000원



 <모질게 토익 뉴토익 시리즈>


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