[프리콘텐츠]4월 정기토익 대비 뉴토익 LC 1000제 대박자료 5회

작성자모질게토익|작성시간09.04.03|조회수381 목록 댓글 6

** 토익 만점 보장보험 모질게 토익 독자 사랑 서비스 **



      모질게 토익  이코노미 1000제로 매일매일 풀어보는 대박자료(문제+해설)를 제공해드립니다.

      4월 26일 토익~목표점수 달성 GO GO~!!



 - 4월 3일 뉴토익 LC1000제 대박자료 5회- 


  Part 3


Questions 56-58 refer to the following conversation.


56. What does Mr.Thopson want to do?

(A) Withdraw some money

(B) Open a bank account

(C) Make a deposit

(D) Apply for a passport


57. What does Mr. Thopsmon give the woman?

(A) A driver's license

(B) A passport

(C) His bank statement

(D) A copy of his social security card


58. What will the woman do?

(A) Talk to the manager

(B) Give Mr.Thompson an an application form

(C) Consult with a teller

(D) Copy Mr.Thompson's identification



Questions 59-61 refer to the following conversation.


59. What are they mainly discussing?

(A) A marketing strategy

(B) A building location

(C) A job interview

(D) A lunch date


60. When will Carla meet with the manager?

(A) This week

(B) Next week

(C) Tomorrow

(D) In three days


61. Where will Carla go after her meeting with the sales leader?

(A) To have an interview

(B) To her home

(C) To have lunch with someone

(D) To the west side office



Questions 62-64 refer to the following conversation.


62. What does the woman ask the man to do?

(A) Attend a meeting

(B) Go to Minneapolis

(C) Finalize a contract

(D) Get information form a meeting


63. Where will Ms.Thomas go tomorrow?

(A) To the park

(B) To a meeting with Ms.Johnson

(C) To see his lawyer

(D) To a client's office


64. What do they suggest about Mr. Davies?

(A) He is generous.

(B) He will discuss a contract.

(C) He want to make a donation.

(D) He enjoys talking about money.




 Part 4




Questions 86-88 refer to the following speech


86. Who is Calvin Munson?

(A) A college professor

(B) A researcher

(C) A repair person

(D) A windmill designer


87. How does the speaker know Calvin Munson? 

(A) She heard one of her previous talks.

(B) The are colleagues.

(C) She was introduced by a friend.

(D) They met in college.


88. What does the speaker mention about her group? 

(A) In is changing.

(B) It helps with construction projects.

(C) It is small.

(D) It is a research group.



Questions 89-91 refer to the following radio talk.


89. What is the "Weekly Star Report"? 

(A) A new film

(B) A theater show

(C) A radio show

(D) A television show


90. Who is Barry Tipp? 

(A) A news anchor.

(B) A movie writer

(C) A director

(D) An actor


91. How long has Mr.Tipp worked in his profession?

(A) Six years

(B) Ten years

(C) Twelve years

(D) Twenty years





 mp파일 및 해설  자료:


첨부파일 2009년_4월3일_모질게 뉴토익 LC1000제_대박자료.zip

 * 본 내용은 [모질게 토익 뉴토익 LC1000제 문제집/해설집] 중 일부를 사용한 것입니다.  






       <뉴토익 LC 1000제>            <뉴토익 RC 1000제 문제집>    <뉴토익 RC 1000제 해설집>

  토미 / 18,500원                         박병재 / 14,000원                  박병재 / 18,000원



 <모질게 토익 뉴토익 시리즈>

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  • 작성자YIngying | 작성시간 09.04.03 고맙습니당 ㅎ
  • 작성자JUPA | 작성시간 09.04.04 감사합니다 ㅎ
  • 작성자밥도야 | 작성시간 09.04.06 근데 이거 답은 어디에 나와잇어요??
  • 작성자모질게토익 작성자 본인 여부 작성자 | 작성시간 09.04.07 스크립트에 정답을 표시하였습니다. 문제와 스크립트를 비교하면서 맞춰보세요~ ^^
  • 작성자레몬뽀빠이 | 작성시간 09.04.14 쌩유~!!!!
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