캐쥬얼 잉글리시: 감정을 억제하다-거짓말

작성자Lizzy C|작성시간18.07.20|조회수291 목록 댓글 0

감정을 억제하다: bottle up one's feelings

예: You shouldn't bottle up your feelings. Come right out and tell him how you feel about it

강제 결혼: Shotgun wedding

예: When the old farmer found that the salesman had been intimate with his daughter, he threated him with a shotgun wedding

같은 처지: in the same boat

예: You're not alone. We are all in the same boat. So stop compaining

개죽음을 당하다: Die in vain

예: Many people think that those who lost their lives in the Vietnam War died in vain

개척자: Trailblazer

예: He was the tailblazer for the space exploration

거래하기 까다로운 사람: Tough nut to crack

예: She's tough nut to crack

거만하다: be stuck-up

예: I had always thought she was stuck-up, but once I got to know her I realized that she was only shy

거시기 (이름이 생각나지 않을 떄): Gizmo

예: What do you call this gismo?

거저 (돈을 안 받는): On the house

예: Thank  you for shopping at our store. It's on the house

거짓말: fibbing

예: I knew he was fibbing when he said he had left his home-work at home

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