
Shincheonji - 837 - Who is a cult, the Christian Council of Korea (CCK) or Shincheonji?

작성자heavendoors12|작성시간17.05.27|조회수1,126 목록 댓글 1




Who is a cult, the Christian Council of Korea (CCK) or Shincheonji?

“Cult‘’ and “pseudo religion” are the words the Christian Council of Korea (CCK) and Christian Broadcasting System (CBS) use the most today, just as the teachers of the law and the Pharisees in Jerusalem did at the First Coming (Mt 23). They are blindly calling anyone who does not belong to them a cult or pseudo religion. However, we, Shincheonji, can provide evidence that the CCK and CBS are indeed the actual cults or pseudo religions.

Just as those who called Jesus a “heretic,” “cult leader,” or “the devil” at the First Coming were the actual cult and group being used by the devil; today, those who make the same accusations of Shincheonji are the actual cult being used by the devil.  

We, Shincheonji, are the orthodox chosen people that Jesus and the Bible have promised.

Jesus came according to the promise of the Old Testament, sowed the promised seed, shed blood on the cross, made a new covenant (Jer 31), and fulfilled the Old Testament (Jn 19:30). Today, about two thousand years after Jesus made a new covenant, he is fulfilling that new covenant according to the promise. There are those who are harvesting, those who have been harvested, and those who have not been harvested (the devil's sons who have been born of the weed, the seed of the devil). There are those who are sealing and those who have been sealed. Also, there are those who have been registered in the twelve tribes, the promised kingdom.


These are the people who have been purchased with the blood of Jesus and made to be God’s kingdom and priests. There are those who have been freed from their sins by the blood of Jesus (Rv 5:9-10, Rv 1:5-6), and there are those who become a great multitude in white robes by washing the robes of their hearts in the blood of Jesus (Rv 7:14). And there are those who have not added to or taken away from Revelation and have mastered it (refer to Rv 22:18-19), and have fought and won against the dragon's group (Rv 12, 15). These people have overcome by the blood of Jesus and by the word of their testimony (Rv 12:11). The losers have scattered in seven directions (Dt 28) and the winners have established the twelve tribes according to the Bible. The kingdom of God and the work of salvation have begun. This is the testimony of victory and defeat.

Those who have not received the aforementioned promise must stop making lies to make people believe that Shincheonji is a cult or pseudo religion, and come and check it out for themselves instead. We, Shincheonji, have been created according to the New Testament as if it were a seal (stamp) impressed upon our hearts. Stop putting on airs and pretending to know something and be holy. Let us take a test based on the Bible in public and determine who is right and who is wrong.

The CCK has not been harvested, has added to and taken away from Revelation, has not been sealed, has not registered in the twelve tribes (the promised kingdom), and has not been freed from sin by the blood of Jesus. Also, it has taught its congregation members hundreds of lies (seeds of weed) and planted them in their hearts.

Shincheonji has the one who has received the open book in Revelation chapter 10. This is the one who has written letters in Revelation chapters 2 and 3, and who is the messenger sent by Jesus in Revelation chapter 22 verse 16. It also has evidence of the appearance of the betrayers and the destroyers in Revelation chapter 13. We, Shicheonji, have seen and know the real entities in Revelation chapters 13 and 12. Ask the overcomers described in Revelation chapter 15, those who survived [remained faithful] and came out of the trial described in Revelation chapter 13.

The CCK and CBS would not believe this. Those who receive the devil’s spirit, persecute others, and make up lies have never believed God’s truth and the fulfillment of prophecies. They are not qualified to judge others. Do not call others
“heretics,” “cult,” or “the devil.” At the First Coming, God entrusted the authority to execute judgment to Jesus (Jn 5:22). Today, at the Second Coming, Jesus has given the authority to judge to the one who has overcome (Rv 2:17). Therefore, the judgment the CCK and CBS execute exceeds their authority and is an act of communism or the devil. We, Shincheonji Church of Jesus, have received the blessings of Revelation chapters 2 and 3 as promised. Who can they judge without even knowing the meaning, prophecy, and fulfillment of the Bible?

In John chapter 5 verse 19, Jesus said: “The Son can do only what he sees his Father doing.” Likewise, today, the messenger Jesus has sent (Rv 22:16) can do only what he sees Jesus doing.

Jesus received the sealed scroll from God in Revelation chapter 5, opened the seals, and fulfilled what is written in it. The messenger of Jesus has seen all the events of Revelation chapters 1
~ 22 that Jesus has fulfilled (Rv 22:8), and he testifies exactly to what he has seen. He is doing this exactly as Jesus has instructed him—to testify to what he has seen and heard. Even though you have never seen, heard, or known the fulfillment of Revelation, why do you not believe the testimony that the messenger of Jesus has seen, heard, and been commanded to give?

Revelation is the new covenant that we must believe. As promised in Revelation, no one can go to heaven if he or she does not see, know, believe, and keep the covenant. Not a single member of the CCK or CBS can enter heaven without being born again. Repent and be born again. The CCK pastors buy and sell the top position in the chairman election, fight and accuse each other, cause disputes and conflicts among themselves, and make up lies to exalt themselves rather than to humble themselves like a child.


Everyone in Shincheonji has been formed and created according to the promises of the Bible. If there is anything that has not been fulfilled in accordance with the New Testament, point it out. The 100 false teachings of the CCK and about 200 false reports of CBS are proof that the CCK and CBS are the true cults and pseudo religions. I hope that they will repent and be born again instead of lying.




SHINCHEONJI Healing All Nations




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  • 작성자우렁각시 | 작성시간 17.05.27 Thanks for teaching truth~♡
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