ETW: Academy

엠파이어 토탈워의 해상 유닛, First Rate 입니다.

작성자타메를랑|작성시간09.01.30|조회수2,126 목록 댓글 9



First Rate


The first rate is the largest type of “ship of the line of battle”, intended to be the centre of any fleet. These are very expensive and powerful vessels.


While these warships are among the most powerful vessels afloat, they are poor sailors, being both slow and unresponsive. This is not a serious shortcoming because, armed with around 100 cannons firing 32-, 24- and 18-pounder balls on their three decks, they can fire a terrible and destructive broadside. They carry a crew of over 800 sailors, gunners and marines and have more artillery than most land armies. Their cost, however, is a drawback and few navies can afford to build or maintain more than a handful of them.


Historically, first rates were never common, and hardly ever sent to overseas stations. They existed purely to fight in set-piece battles, and were not used for mundane duties such as protecting merchantmen, policing the seas and hunting down privateers.




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댓글 리스트
  • 작성자ko4756 | 작성시간 09.01.31 대포 100문이면 전열함급이넹
  • 작성자asdtasdfw | 작성시간 09.02.01 The first rate is the largest type of “ship of the line of battle 이글에 써있네요. 윗님.
  • 작성자아노리엔 | 작성시간 09.02.01 1급(대략 100문)-3급(대략 74문)이 전열함 4급-6급이 비전열함
  • 작성자돌격앞으로 | 작성시간 09.02.02 오오 장갑전열함인가 -_-b
  • 작성자Britanian Lime | 작성시간 09.08.25 현실적 목적에 쓰이지 않았다네 ㅎ
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