
Father’s [Data Visualization] using R( Jeehyoung Kim 교수)

작성자백승민|작성시간18.04.25|조회수74 목록 댓글 0
Father’s [Data Visualization] using R( Jeehyoung Kim 교수)

05. Histogram Denstitogram
06. Dot. Jitter, Violin, Box
07. Beeswarm Plot
08. Pyramid Chart
09. Split Violin Plot
10. Error Bars
12. Bar and Mosaic
13. Summary to mosaic
14. Matrix bubble plot
15. Waffle plot
16. Bar and Rose plot
17. Bars and Lollipops
18. Waterfall chart
19. 2D densitogram
20. Marginal plot
21. Scatter polt/Lowess
22. Count Plot
23. Many dots
24. 3D histogram / Heatmap
25. 3D plot
26. 3D Scatter plot
28. Simple Matrix plot
29. Matrix pot with Groups
30. Correlogram
31. Grouped Correlation
32. Factor Analysis
33. Cluster Analysis

Part04 순서 또는 계통
34. Parallel Coordinate plot
35. Spaghetti plot
36. Hammock plot
37. Alluvial Diagrams
38. Treemap
39. Sunburst plot

Part05 시간과 관련된 차트
40. One Year plot
41. Many Years plot
42. Seasonal plot
43. Series of Densitogram
44. Horizon plot
45. Area & Streamgraph
46. OR and HR plot
47. Logistic Regression
48. Poisson Regression
49. Cox Regression
50. Kaplan-meier Curves
51. Competing Risks
52. Bland Altman plot
53. ROC Curve

Part07 그외의 차트
54. Packed circles plot
55. Complex Relationship
56. Circular Flow Plot
57. K-means Clustering
58. PMA Clustering
59. Hierarchical Clustering
61. Clusergram
63. Decison tree
64. Manhattan plot
65. Quality Control Chart
66. MAP and Chart
68. Rose Star Plots
69. Map and Nightingale
71. Tilegrams
72. Map with dot/line
73. Scatterplot Smoother
74. Scatter of Plots
75. Clock plot
76. Wordcloud
77. Venn Diagram
78. Timeline
79. Sequential Triangular Test

- 통계분석연구회
- 카페 :
- 통계분석연구회(Statistics Analysis Study) 그룹 :

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