[English]Pre-order for the making DVD just starts. (17.08.24 - 17.09.04)

작성자7왕비딥디영어|작성시간17.08.24|조회수186 목록 댓글 0

Hello, all overseas fans! We are the <QF7D> making DVD support team.

A pre-order starts finally!

◎ The period : 2017.08.20 – 2017.09.04 (12 days)

 The composition

1. Making DVD 3 disks (about 360min.)

2. Photobook 100p

3. Postcards 4 pieces

4. Written interview (UNDECIDED)

※ Script is rejected from the production company eventually. So, we'll go with the photo book. Please understand our circumstance.

◎ Minimum Quantity : 650 sets

※ If demand is far behind of the minimum quantity, release of the DVD will be canceled.

◎ The price

1. Innolife : $65.00 (NOT including shipping fee)

★ Shipping fee varies by Country.

★ Shipping Method : EMS

2. Ktown4u : $48.69 (NOT including shipping fee)

★ Shipping fee varies by shipping method & Country.

 Purchase Site Link

1. Innolife : http://shop3.innolifeshop.com/product/detail.html?product_no=181749&cate_no=88&display_group=2

2. Ktown4u : http://ktown4u.com/iteminfo?grp_no=107951&goods_no=30358

From today, all cafe members are going to be associate members except cafe staff.

A full membership was needed only for notifying states of progress and how much demand we got. So, after stopping the pre-survey, it isn’t needed to divide cafe members anymore.

After purchasing the DVD, please upload a posting on ☆우수회원 등업 신청☆ by directions for being a VIP member. Only VIP members can check new notices and all progress of releasing the DVD.

Your personal information you left on the survey form will be deleted permanently after sending texts and email about the pre-order.

This is just the beginning. Please promote the pre-order as much as you can.

We promise to do our best!

Thank all of you for unwavering support and love.

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