Daily used word (top 100)
Гара́ж нахо́дится за домо́м.
The garage is behind the house.
Info: за + location in instrumental case
at (location)
Example: Го́сти сиде́ли за столо́м и у́жинали. - The guests were sitting at the table and having dinner.
Info: за + location in instrumental case
at (direction)
Example: Го́сти сня́ли пальто́ и се́ли за стол. - The guests took off their coats and sat at the table.
Info: за + location in accusative case
for (in support of)
Example: Он голосова́л за Тра́мпа. - He voted for Trump.
Info: за + object in accusative case
for (mistake for)
Example: Его́ при́няли за её́ му́жа. - He was mistaken for her husband.
Info: за + object in accusative case
for (reason)
Example: Он отсиде́л 5 лет за ограбле́ние. - He did 5 years in prison for robbery.
Info: за + object in accusative case
for (duration)
Example: Он работал там два месяца. - He worked there for two months.
following after
Also: chasing after
Example: Почему́ он бежи́т за на́ми? Что он хо́чет от нас? - Why is he running after us? Does he need something?
Info: за + object in instrumental case
over (a certain age)
Example: Я ду́маю, ему́ уже за 50. - I think he's over 50.
Info: за + number in accusative case
Also: on the far side of
Example: Что лежи́т за преде́лами наблюда́емой Вселе́нной? - What lies beyond the edge of the observable universe?
Info: за + object in instrumental case
out of (location)
Example: Я был вчера́ за́ городом. - I was out of town yesterday.
Info: за + object in instrumental case
Десять кома́нд соревнова́лись за приз.
Ten teams competed for the prize.
5. соревнова́ться verb, imperfective
Very rarely used word (top 20,000)
compete, emulate, engage in competition
4. приз noun, masculine, inanimate
Rarely used word (top 8,000)
У тебя болит голова́?
Have you got a headache?
1. боле́ть verb, imperfective
Somewhat often used word (top 2,000)
be ill, be sick, be painful, to cheer on
Что у вас болит?
What is hurting?
3. кома́нда noun, feminine, inanimate
Often used word (top 800)
team, crew, party, command, order, detachment
2. найти́ verb, perfective
Daily used word (top 200)
я болею за нашу футбольную команду
I am a fan of our football team.