It occurred to Lara that after all the devotion Galiullin had shown to Pasha's memory, the pains he had taken to look after his things, she had not so much as asked him who he was and where he came from. To make up for her omission and not seem ungrateful she asked him all about himself when she made her next morning round. "Merciful heaven," she wondered aloud. Twenty-eight Brest Street, the Tiverzins, the revolution of 1905, that winter! Yusupka? No, she couldn't remember having met him, he must forgive her. But that year, that year, and that house! That's true, there had really been such a house and such a year! 라라는 생각했다. ‘그 사람은 그 추억을, 가엾은 파툴레치카의 소지품을 보관해 주고 그렇게 배려해 주었는데, 난 고마움도 모르고 그가 누구이고 어디서 왔는지조차 물어보지 않았어. <주여, 주님의 거룩한 뜻이여! 브레스츠카야 거리 28번지, 티베르진의 집, 1905년 혁명의 거울! 유숩카라고요? 아니, 유숩카는 몰라요. 아니면 기억이 안 나거나, 죄송합니다. 하지만 그해, 바로 그래와 마당! 정말 그래요. 정말 그런 마당과 그런 해가 있었죠!