Э́та кни́га принадлежи́т библиоте́ке.
This book belongs to the library.
1. принадлежа́ть verb, imperfective
Somewhat often used word (top 2,000)
belong, appertain
кому приналдлежит дом?
Who owns the house?
who (in dative form)
2. библиоте́ка noun, feminine, inanimate
Somewhat often used word (top 3,000)
library, lending library, reference library
В библиоте́ке нужно соблюда́ть тишину́.
You ought to be quiet in a library.
3. ну́жно Adverb of ну́жный
Very rarely used word (top 40,000)
it is necessary, must, one should, one ought, you should, you ought, should
Тебе нужно только э́то попроси́ть.
You have only to ask for it.
4. то́лько Daily used word (top 100)
only, just, simply
5. попроси́ть verb, perfective
Often used word (top 700)
request, ask for