Нам едва хвата́ет вре́мени, чтобы съесть за́втрак.
We hardly have time to eat breakfast.
1. хвата́ть verb, imperfective
Often used word (top 700)
be enough, grab, seize, lack
2. нам
dative of "we"
3. едва́
Often used word (top 600)
hardly, only just, scarcely, just, barely
4. вре́мя noun, neuter, inanimate
Daily used word (top 100)
time, times, tense, weather
5. съесть verb, perfective
Somewhat often used word (top 2,000)
to eat, to eat up, to consume, to devour
Мы пришли́ съесть у́жин и повесели́ться
We came here to eat dinner and to party.
Example: Дроккен взял бо́льше еды́, что́бы съесть по́зже - It has taken food to consume later
С каки́м со́усом меня́ съесть
How you're going to devour me.
6. прийти́ verb, perfective
Daily used word (top 300)
come, arrive
7. у́жин noun, masculine, inanimate
Somewhat often used word (top 3,000)
dinner, supper