건의 게시판

When do you formally resolve the problem without a consistent comment?

작성자LHZH004|작성시간24.11.02|조회수363 목록 댓글 14

As we all know,when you face some problem,you always use this consistent comment to answer us.

And today is Saturday,you will go to break and don't solve the matter.

So Why "My Hero Acadamy"can appear in w20? 

Who thought of this thing, and who reviewed this thing?We need an answer, an answer to this matter.You must change this trash joke,and apologize.

There is no fun in this fucking comic,"My Hero Acadamy".


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댓글 리스트
  • 답댓글 작성자LHZH004 작성자 본인 여부 작성자 | 작성시간 24.11.03 르하 Even for the purpose of taunting, placing a controversial work in-game without clearly stating the meaning of the taunt is in itself an extremely irresponsible thing for the player.
  • 답댓글 작성자르하 | 작성시간 24.11.04 LHZH004 There are 41 books in the game, and the completion of 'Hero Academy' is 42. In the game, there is mockery such as 'there is no ending to this work'. However, it seems to me that China does not currently understand this meaning.

    Is there no mockery of the ending of "Hero Academy" in China??
  • 답댓글 작성자별도 동경하고 마음도 동경하고 | 작성시간 24.11.04 르하 731 is an extremely sensitive topic in China, and this dehumanizing behavior should be resisted by the whole world. When mentioned in games, the attitude should be clearly stated, rather than just a simple sentence of "부상イ저씨가イ막을들꺴모른다"
  • 답댓글 작성자별도 동경하고 마음도 동경하고 | 작성시간 24.11.04 르하 Due to language differences, Chinese players can hardly understand the true meaning of "보부상イ저씨가イ막을들꺴Ꮠ않イ직도결말을모른다".
    In China, such topics are very serious, even with good intentions, but due to unclear attitudes, they still have an immeasurable negative impact on Chinese forums.
    There is a saying on Chinese forums that the manga "My Hero Academy" was updated in episode 41 in August this year, and this manga happened to be mentioned in World 20, indicating that someone in the studio is still following this manga.
    So I hope the authorities can respond positively to this incident as soon as possibl
  • 작성자당돌한 기사 | 작성시간 24.11.04 안녕하세요.

    이전 게시글에서도 안내해 드린 내용과 같이
    말씀해 주신 부분에 대해서는 관련 부서로 의견 전달할 수 있도록 하겠습니다.

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