건의 게시판

Controversy about 20-6

작성자洛雨|작성시간24.11.03|조회수104 목록 댓글 1

Indeed, it is not a trivial matter when it comes to the national and people's level. Controversial content is not funny. Let alone the author of "My Hero Academia" insulting China, even if the comic may not have anti-human content in the 41st volume, this comic also has an anti-human chapter [Japanese invasion of poison gas human experiment on July 31]; the game is an entertainment product that brings correct values ​​to players. Playing such controversial works will not increase the popularity, but will bring you many black fans. Why bother? Virtual fiction cannot have real controversial content, not to mention that you did not make the sarcasm clear. To be honest, this incident made us GT players very embarrassed. Playing GT feels like being a traitor. Do you understand? We ask you, the planner, to express your attitude in a fair and serious manner, apologize! , and modify the controversial content.

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