
Any overseas fan don’t know how to “실명확인” look at here!!

작성자재리에요|작성시간19.01.31|조회수27,332 목록 댓글 36

In order to help more people, I wrote it in English. I am Chinese, and I can speak a little Korean, so I can upload Chinese version and Korean version if needed. Please let me know in the comments.
I’ve passed the real name certification today, so I wanna write something to help you guys. Although someone have leveled up say that real-name certification is not necessary, I think it will be better to finish it.
My method is to write an email application. I wrote an email to custom service, and I got this method from the mail they reply me.

1. Download a Daum app(not the same with DaumCafe app) and then log in(use the id the same with DaumCafe). Then click on the mail(메일), then click “받은메일함” just below the mail. Then click on the pencil pattern in the upper right corner to write your email.

2. Write an email.

a. Here is the recipient(받는사람), fill “” here.
b. Click here to upload your identification in photo form, you should take a photo of your identification in advance. The available identification documents include ID card, driver's license and passport,choose one of them to upload.
‼️ The last digit of the id number must be blurred out!!
c. Here is the title(제목), fill “실명확인 ​요청/(Your real name in all English uppercased letters without any space)/(Your Daum ID)” in here.
d. Write the email content here, and please use the following format which I got from customer service. You only need to fill your personal information according to the instructions in brackets, and please remove the brackets after filling out.

“- 실명확인을 원하시는 Daum 아이디: (your daum id here)
- 신분증상의 영어 이름: (your real name in your identification in all English uppercased letters without any space, the same as the one you wrote in the title)
- 고객님의 생년월일 및 성별 정보: (your birthday in the format yyyymmdd :XXXX년 XX월 XX일) / (female fill 여자, male fill남자)
- 회원정보에 등록된 이름: (the name you registered in your profile,I will teach you how to find your profile below. It’s OK if you didn’t register your real name here)
- 회원정보에 등록된 닉네임: (the nickname you registered in your profile)
- 회원정보에 등록된 연락처(휴대폰/이메일): (your tel number you registered in your profile/the Email address you registered in your profile)
- 회원정보에 등록된 로그인 허용 국가: (fill “모든 국가 허용”,you should set it in advance,I will teach you how to set below. If you forgot the date, check the way to find it below )
- 가입하신 날짜(※ 연월일 모두 기재): (the date you applied for your Daum account in the format yyyymmdd: XXXX년 XX월 XX일)
 [동의] 외국인 정보로 실명확인 시 일부 서비스 제한 사실을 숙지했으며 동의함
 [동의] 개인정보 수집 및 이용에 동의함”

‼️How to find your profile

‼️How to set “모든 국가 허용”

‼️How to find the date you applied for your Daum ID.
Log out first, then open the login screen again. And then follow what's in the picture below.

(The following images may be a little different from what you will see, but the contents are the same)

e. When you finished writing the email, click “보내기” in the upper right corner to send your Email.
3. After sending the Email, just wait for about one day. When you receive a reply titled “Daum 고객센터에서 답변드립니다”(not the one you receive in about 10min after you send your email, that one is to inform you they’ve received your mail), if you see content in blue font like the one below

Or the blue fronted content is “실명확인을 완료해 드렸습니다”, it means you’ve finished your certification. If you are not sure, you can check it in your profile.

So that’s all, hope it will be helpful for you. If you have any other question, just ask me in the comments, I will do my best to help you! !

현재 게시글 추가 기능 열기


댓글 리스트
  • 답댓글 작성자재리는나야나 작성자 본인 여부 작성자 | 작성시간 19.02.06 mildrunway I’m not sure if you can send it by your personal email, but I think you can. And it won’t be a problem about your fan club level up.
  • 답댓글 작성자mildrunway | 작성시간 19.02.06 재리는나야나 thank you for your kindness
    댓글 이모티콘
  • 답댓글 작성자재리는나야나 작성자 본인 여부 작성자 | 작성시간 19.02.06 mildrunway My pleasure 😇
  • 답댓글 작성자mildrunway | 작성시간 19.02.08 재리는나야나 I've finished my certification ! your post help me so much. thank you again ~ 💖
  • 답댓글 작성자재리는나야나 작성자 본인 여부 작성자 | 작성시간 19.02.08 mildrunway Congratulations ~
    댓글 이모티콘
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