(좋은 글, 좋은 생각)

조선왕조실록 (8.예종실록):

작성자山房山|작성시간23.01.22|조회수99 목록 댓글 0

·/조선왕조실록 (8.예종실록): 조선왕조실록은 태조부터 철종까지의 조선왕조의 행정을 기록한 28편의 연대기이다. 고종과 순종의 기록은 모두 일제 강점기 당시 편찬되었기 때문에 실록에 포함되지 않았다. 이번 포스트에서는 조선의 제8대 왕 예종(睿宗)의 왕실 기록(1년, 1월 1일-15일)을 자세히 본다. (예술가 - 히스토리앤)

이황 (李晄)은 1450년 세조와 파평윤씨 (坡平尹氏; 사후 정희왕후)의 둘째 아들로 태어났다. 그는 해양대군이라는 칭호를 받았으며, 장자가 아님에도 왕위에 올랐으니 세조의 후계자가 어떻게 결정되었는지 자세히 살펴야 한다. 세조의 장남인 이장 (의경세자)는 1455년 16세의 나이에 세자에 책봉되었지만 고작 2년만에 건강악화 때문에 사망한다. 조선의 왕위계승법에 따르자면 의경세자의 장남인 월산대군이 세자가 되어야 마땅했지만 조카의 왕좌를 강탈한 세조는 불안감에 시달렸다. 의경세자가 어렸기에 단종과 같은 운명을 맞이할까 두려웠던 것이다. 하여 해양대군 이황은 1457년 태자에 책봉되었고, 10년동안 관련된 교육을 받았다. 1468년 세조가 죽자 19세에 비로소 이황은 조선의 8번째 임금이 되었다.

세조는 예종이 단종처럼 국정을 운영함에 경험이 없다는 것을 깨달았다. 세조가 세운 원상제도는 예종의 경험 부족 문제를 해결하기 위해 세운 제도다. 원상제도는 문종이 세운 황표정사제도와는 달리 몇몇 신하들에게 직접 국정을 운영할 수 있는 힘을 주었고, 거의 섭정에 가까웠다 볼 수가 있다. 원상제도는 명종 초기까지 이어졌고, 세조가 처음으로 임명한 훈구 제상들은 신숙주, 한명회, 구치관, 박원형, 홍윤성, 최항과 김국광이었다. 정희왕후 또한 예종을 위해 섭정을 했으며, 1468년부터 1469년까지 원상제도의 대신들과 함께 국정을 다스렸다.

비록 예종은 어린 나이에 왕이 되었지만 그의 부친의 뒤를 따라 왕권을 강화하려 했다. 차이가 있다면, 세조는 비교적 실력이 있는 신하들을 관대했고, 그들의 권력 남용들이 있었던 것 또한 사실이다. 예를 들자면, 전 포스트에 언급했듯이 좌익공신인 한명회와 신숙주는 세조에게 무례했다 한다. 하지만 그들은 세조가 왕위에 오르는데 공을 세웠기에 세조는 그들의 정치적 힘을 억지로 누르려 하지 않았다. 이후 이시애의 반란에 가담했다는 소문에 휩쓸렸던 한명회와 신숙주는 고작 10일만 가택연금을 받고 풀려났다. 그의 부친과는 달리 예종은 좌익공신을 포함한 모든 신료들의 힘을 견제하려 했다.

세조의 말년에는 조정에 막대한 권력 다툼이 있었다. 이 분쟁은 훈구세력, 종친세력과 근대에 생겨난 남이장군같은 무인들의 세력들 사이에서 벌어졌다. 당시 세조는 권력의 균형을 맞추지 못했다. 왕권을 강화하려는 예종은 이 정치세력들을 질시하기 시작했고, 특히 남이을 질투했다.

위에 언급된 정치 세력들의 충돌은 1468년 시작되었다 볼 수가 있다. 의령 남씨인 남이는 태종과 원경왕후의 넷째 딸인 정선공주의 외손자였으며, 세조 3년 무과에 장원하였다. 남이는 이시애의 반란을 진압하는데 공을 세워 적개공신이 되었고, 야인들을 토벌해 세조의 총애를 받았다. 남이는 빠른 속도로 진급하였고, 처음엔 공조판서, 후에는 병조판서의 자리까지 올랐다. 예종은 남이가 병조판서에 오른 것에 대해 불만이 많았고, 예종의 즉위 후 훈구의 모함에 의해 남이는 겸사복장으로 강등되었다. 하지만 이 사건은 예종이 훈구를 지지했다는 것은 아니고, 경멸하는 정치 세력들을 서로 공격 함으로써 힘을 잃게 하는 것이었다.

남이 세력의 정치적 몰락에는 즉각적인 사유가 있었다. 이긍익 (1736-1806)이 저술한 연려실기술에 의하면 이 사건은 ‘남이의 옥사’였으며, 유자광이라는 대신의 모호한 고발때문에 벌어졌다. 기록에 따르면 유자광은 남이가 지나가는 혜성에 대해 한 말을 엿들었고, 그의 ‘옛 것이 새 것으로 바뀐다’는 해석을 예종을 왕위에서 끌어내린다는 역모 사건으로 조작했다. 이 언사때문에 남이는 역모로 몰렸지만, 그의 말의 뜻에 대해서는 아직 논란이 있다. 남이가 이 말을 함에 유력한 이유는 자신을 모함하고 끌어내린 훈구에 대한 불만에 비롯되었을 수가 있다고 볼 수가 있기 때문이다. 하지만 재판은 불공평했고 남이에게 불리한 증언도 나왔다. 남이를 못마땅해하던 예종은 결국 고문을 통해 자백을 받아냈고, 남이를 처형했다.

논란이 된 남이의 옥사 사건 외에 예종은 그의 아버지인 세조에 대한 집착에 가까운 효심으로 알려져있다. 세조가 죽은 뒤, 대신들은 그에게 신종, 예종, 성종중 하나의 시호를 주려 하였다. 그러나 예종은 그의 아버지에게 ‘세종’보다 높은 ‘세조’의 칭호를 붙일 것을 주장했다. 문종의 노력으로 세종의 이름이 지어졌음을 돌아본다면 폐륜을 저지른 세조가 그 칭호를 받았다는 것에는 예종의 집착적인 헌신을 말해준다.

The Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty (조선왕조실록) comprises of 28 sets of chronological records which covers the reigns of Joseon kings from Taejo to Cheoljong. Both Gojong and Sunjong’s records were not considered to be a part of the annals because their royal records were compiled during the late 1920s to early 1930s. In this post, we will cover the royal records of the eighth King of the Joseon Dynasty during his first year of reign (1년 1월 1일-15일, Year 1, January, 1469, Yejong).

이황 (Yi Hwang, 李晄) was born in the year 1450 as the second son of King Sejo and Lady Yun of the 파평 윤씨 Family (Papyeong Yun Clan, [坡平 尹氏], posthumously known as Queen Jeonghui), which means that he bore the title of 대군 and was established as 해양대군 (Haeyangdaegun). The issue regarding Sejo’s successor and the right of rule of the Crown Prince must be noted here. Sejo’s eldest son, 이장 (Yi Jang/의경세자), was made Crown Prince in the year 1455 at the age of 16 but died only two years later due to poor health conditions. According to the principle of succession, Sejo’s eldest line had the right of rule meaning that the deceased Crown Prince Uigyeong’s first son, 월산대군 (Grand Prince Wolsan), was to become the successor to the throne. King Sejo’s growing fear and anxiety from his nephew’s forced abdication haunted him his entire life. After Crown Prince Uigyeong’s death, the King was worried that Wolsandaegun would suffer the same fate as Danjong. Wolsandaegun was also deemed too young as he was only 4 years old by the time of Crown Prince Uigyeong’s death. Hence, Haeyangdaegun was appointed as Crown Prince in 1457 and received proper education for about ten years. King Sejo’s death occurred one year later in 1468 and the 19 year old Yejong rose to become the eighth ruler of the Joseon Dynasty.

Similar to Danjong, Sejo realized that Yejong did not have the proper experience in managing government affairs. The 원상제도 (Wonsangjaedo) system was established by Sejo shortly before his death in order to resolve the issue regarding Yejong’s lack of experience. Keep in mind that unlike the 황표정사 system created by Munjong, the appointed ministers of 원상제도 ruled close to the levels of regents of the country and the system ultimately lasted into the early years of Myeongjong’s reign (13th King). Through this system, seven high ranking officials of the 훈구 were first appointed by King Sejo in 1468 (신숙주, 한명회, 구치관, 박원형, 홍윤성, 최항, 김국광). Sejo’s Queen consort (Queen Jeonghui - at the time 왕대비/Royal Queen Dowager Jaseong, later 대왕대비 Jaseong during Seongjong and Yeonsangun’s reigns) became ruling regent due to Yejong’s age and managed state affairs alongside Wonsangjaedo from 1468-1469. Although Yejong became King at a young age, he sought to strengthen the monarchy in order to follow the wishes of his deceased father. The main differences between Yejong and Sejo’s approach in strengthening the monarchy was how they handled the maintenance of political power of the ministers. Sejo was known to have been more lenient towards the officials which led to an abuse of their power. As explained in the previous annals post, high-ranking officials from the 좌익공신 (ministers who helped Sejo to be crowned King - Notably 한명회/Han Myeong-hwe and 신숙주/Shin Suk-ju) began to abuse their power and disrespect King Sejo. But because they had contributed to his cause, Sejo did not restrain their political power. An example of this was when Han Myeong-hwe and Shin Suk-ju were imprisoned due to their rumored involvement in the Yi Si-ae Rebellion. According to records, they were released after being imprisoned and interrogated for 10 days. Yejong’s approach in strengthening the throne was to focus primarily on consolidating his personal power by restraining the political power of the officials.

During the latter years of Sejo’s reign, there was a great power struggle within the court. This conflict arose between the 훈구/Hungu forces, the 종친/Jongchin forces, and the newly emerging political forces led by high ranking military officials such as General 남이 (Nam Yi) of the Uiryeong Nam Clan. At the time, albeit having somewhat of a stronger control in affairs, King Sejo was unable to balance and reduce tensions between the political forces near the end of his reign. Yejong, who planned to strengthen the kingship, wanted to contain the rise in this newly emerging political force and in time, started to heavily dislike Nam Yi. The year 1468 is important as this was when tensions in the court emerged between the political forces of Nam Yi and the Hungu. Nam Yi’s grandmother was the fourth daughter of Taejong and Queen Wongyeong, and in the 3rd year of Sejo’s reign, placed first in the military civil service exam. He was given a major award for suppressing Yi Si-ae’s rebellion and proceeded to succeed in conquering “barbarian” tribes, and subsequently received Sejo’s appreciation. General Nam Yi and other figures such as 구성군 and 강순 was listed among the members of the 적개공신 which were titles given to the officials who helped in suppressing the Yi Si-ae Rebellion. General Nam was promoted within the ranks and rose to become Gongjo Panseo (공조판서) then Byeongjo Panseo (병조판서) by order of King Sejo. Yejong expressed great dissatisfaction with General Nam Yi becoming Byeongjo Panseo which was backed by the aligning views of the Hungu forces. The Hungu viewed Nam Yi’s political group as a threat to their power. After the rise of Yejong to the throne, the Hungu claimed that Nam Yi did not deserve to be Byeongjo Panseo and he was demoted to Gyeomsabokjang (an officer post in the royal guard) by Yejong. However, this did not mean that Yejong supported the Hungu and the young King was determined to suppress the Hungu forces while eradicating the new political forces.

The complete downfall of Nam Yi and his supporters was caused by a specific precipitating cause. As recorded in the 연려실기술 by 이긍익 (1736-1806), this incident is known as ‘남이의 옥사’ which began with the ambiguous accusation made by minister Yu Ja-gwang. According to records, Yu Ja-gwang had overheard Nam’s message on a passing comet and interpreted his words as means of replacing the old with the new and in turn, staging a rebellion to overthrow King Yejong. This was an accusation of treason yet the interpretation is still up for debate. The most likely reason why Nam had stated this was due to his frustration with the Hungu, who framed and brought him down. To make matters worse for Nam Yi, the trial was unfair and testimonies were made against him. Nam and his supporters were powerless in this situation and in turn, they confessed (regardless of whether it was a real or fake confession), and were executed.

Besides the controversial Nam Yi incident, Yejong is known for his close-to-obsessive dedication to his father. After the death of Sejo, the officials had intended to give him one of the following posthumous names: Shinjong, Yejong, or Seongjong. However, Yejong insisted that his father be given the title “Sejo” (which is a more impressive title than Sejong). Recall that Sejong was named thus due to Munjong’s efforts. Considering that Sejo had committed 폐륜 (dethroning and killing his nephew), that he was named “Sejo” speaks volumes about Yejong’s dedication to his father.

Sources: “(조선을 움직인 사건과 인물] 넘을 수 없는 장벽 훈구파, 남이의 옥사 (1468년), *신병주)”, “[조선왕릉-창릉] 짧은 재위기간동안 많은 이야기를 남긴 예종, *박선영), 우리역사넷,

『예종실록』은 1468년 (즉위년) 9월부터 1469년 12월까지의 조선정부 활동을 살핀다.

The Annals of Yejong covers the major parts of government affairs starting from September of 1468 (Year of Accession) to December, 1469.
예종 1년 ~ 1469년 1월 1일 (1st year of Yejong’s Reign - January 1st, 1469) -

1월 1일-5일 (January 1st to 5th)

1월 1일 - 1. “영창전에 나아가 삭제를 행하다”: 영창전= the place where Sejo’s ancestral plates were held. 삭제= annual jesa rite that was carried out during the lunar new year. Many royal guards did not show up, however. Yejong gave the order to punish the officers, then retracted the order.

2. “의정부에서 탄일과 정조의 표리와 방물을 올리고 칭하하였으나 하례받지 않다”: Euijeongbu led officials to congratulate Yejong on his birthday, but he did not receive it.

3. “명(明)나라 사신이 근시일 내로 오기 때문에 이극배의 부모묘의 이장을 늦추다”: Yejong and ministers decide the the relocation of Official Yi Geuk-bae’s parents must be delayed. This is due to a Ming envoy’s arrival in the near future.

4. “평안도 절도사에게 중국인 압해관 석섬에게 호송군 50인을 뽑아 보내게 하다”: Ming official was heading to Liaodong, and Yejong had 50 soldiers escort him there.

5. “명나라 사신의 지대는 강옥과 김보의 예에 따르고 윤자운으로 주관케 하다”: 지대 (支待) = the process by which, when an official was sent to a regional office for official purposes, the regional office took responsibility for the housing and living stipends for the official involved. Yejong gave this job to a specific person, and this post is about the logistics of how it was done for the Ming officials.

6. “전임의 해유를 받지 아니한 정육손과 배지눌을 바꾸어 임명하다”: 해유(解由) = the process by which an official who was in charge of managing goods relegated that responsibility and then reported that relegation of responsibility to Ho-jo (one of the six ministries). According to this entry, officials requested that the relegation of responsibility from the former to the latter be reversed, as the justification for that relegation was not reported.

1월 2일 - 1. “명나라에서 사신이 오기 때문에 봄철의 선비를 뽑는 과장을 정파하게 하다”: The practice of selecting Seonbi every spring was stopped temporarily because the Ming envoys were coming. 정파= completely stop doing what one was doing.

2. “평안도·황해도·경기 관찰사에게 명(明)나라 사신 접대의 사목을 전지하다”: This entry is focused on treating the Ming envoys who are to arrive soon. Yejong orders the officials who are in charge of inspecting the regional provinces to make sure that various steps of showing 예 to the Ming envoys are satisfied.

3. “이극배·한보·이승소·이교연 등에게 관직을 제수하다”: Yi Geuk-bae, Han Bo, Yi Seung-soh, and Yi Gye-yeon were given government posts.

4. “대마주 태수 종정국이 토물을 바치다”: Tsushima governor sends regional goods to Joseon.

1월 3일 - 2. “영릉의 제도는 세조 대왕의 유교에 따라 석실과 사대석을 없애다”: This is an entry about the royal graves. The Gwangreung tombs were made based on the will of the former kings, so they decided to do the same at Yeongreung tombs.

3. “시재나 녹도 없는 의원들에게 매 아문마다 한 등씩 체대하여 벼슬을 주다”: Based on customs, government positions in the case of medical officials were given after they passed exams held at the local office from the town from which they were from. It turns out that for many medical officials, they could not take exams, and therefore were not getting paid. Officials requested that these medical officials be paid and given positions. Yejong approved.

1월 4일 - 1. “대신들을 불러 서쪽을 정벌할 장수와 군량 및 사졸에 대해서 의논하다”: Yejong calls the ministers to discuss the logistics of sending an army to conquer the west. I’m assuming that, unless they were trying to conquer Liadong, they were discussing the conquest of Jurchen tribes in the northwest of Joseon.

1월 5일 - 1. “석성 현감 민효증이 호패법의 불편함을 아뢰니 상세히 국문하게 하다”: Minister Min Hyo-jeung states to King Yejong about the inconvenience of the Hopae Act as established by the past King Sejo. Yejong replies that they had not complained during the reign of Sejo, so there must be some other problem. Orders an investigation.

2. “병이 있는 당상관에 대해서는 계품하지 말고 즉시 치료하게 하다”: Yejong orders that if a top official becomes sick, they stop reporting to the king about it every time and that they should treat the official immediately. Anti-bureaucracy measure.

3. “제사의 외거 노비를 공신의 소망에 따라 사급할 것을 아뢰니 허락하다”: The issue seems to be that these servants (외거 노비) actually belonged to officials who had contributed to the country. The appeal asked for the servants to be used for whatever purposes the officials wanted.

4. “어효첨·윤자운·노사신을 명나라 사신의 관반으로 삼다”: Officials Eo Hyo-cheom, Yun Ja-un, and Noh Sah-shin were sent to receive Ming envoys.

5. “겸 예조 판서 박원형이 병이 있어서 신숙주로 대신하게 하다”: Bak Won-hyung, who became ill, was replaced by Shin Suk-ju as Yejo Panseo.

1월 6일-10일 (January 6th to 10th)

1월 6일 - 1. “신숙주·한명회·구치관·노사신·임원준 등을 불러 서정을 의논하다”: Yejong calls upon officials of Wonsangjaedo (Shin Suk-ju, Han Myeong-hwe, Gu Chi-gwan, Noh Sa-shin, Im Won-jun, etc. to discuss the issues regarding the Jurchen tribes.

2. “족질이 오래도록 낫지 않자 목멱산과 백악산·한강 등에 기도하게 하다”: Yejong had a disease in the foot (족질). So he had officials go to 목멱산, 백악산, and 한강 and pray for his well being.

3. ”명나라에서 군사를 징발하라는 명령을 있을 것을 생각하여 무사를 징발하다”: They suspected that Ming might order for military conscription in Joseon, so in advance they selected warriors.

1월 7일 - 1. “광세전으로 이어하고 포를 쏘는 것을 구경하다“: Yejong went to Gwangsae palace and watched some cannons fire.

2. ”신숙주·한명회·구치관·박중선 등을 불러 정벌과 군사 징발 등을 의논하다“: Yejong calls Shin Suk-ju, Han Myeong-hwe, Gu Chi-gwan, and Pak Jong-seon to discuss military conscription.

3. ”김질을 평안도 도체찰사로 삼다“: Yejong appoints Kim Jil as Pyeongan Province commander.

4. ”감찰 박숙무가 도적의 침입을 염려하니 남계당을 시켜 지키게 하다“: It was time to award pay to the officials, but Byeongjo did not send any troops to guard those pay (in the form of grain, coins, and goods). Inspector Pak Suk-mu was worried that bandits might raid and steal them, and requested that Yejong interrogate Byeongjo officials who did not send guards, and Yejong further had Nam Gye-dang take 100 royal guards to protect the pay.

1월 8일 - 1. “녹을 주는 관리들이 잡인을 막지 못해 도적을 맞으니 국문하게 하다”: It ended up that they were robbed by bandits. They sent soldiers out to find the lost goods, and found some carts of rice. Yejong ordered the interrogation of Byeongjo officials.

2. “구치관을 정서 주장으로, 어유소와 선형을 좌장·우장으로 삼다”: Yejong puts Gu Chi-gwan as the commander, Eo Yoo-so and Seon Hyeong as left and right generals (reference to the western conquest).

3. “박절이 이수의와 오자경·이극배를 역당이라고 무고하였으나 용서하다”: Pak Jeol falsely accused Yi Soo-eui, Oh Ja-gyeong, and Yi Geuk-bae as traitors, and Yejong found out he was wrong. However, Yejong forgave him, saying that if he punished Pak Jeol, no one would be willing to speak their mind in the future.

1월 9일 - 1. “박지번·이중영·권신 등을 영장으로 삼으니 경군사를 거느리고 평안도로 가다“: Pak Ji-beon, Yi Jung-yeong, and Gwon Shin takes troops to Pyeongan Province.

2. “구치관이 정흔·김칭·조간·성건을 종사관으로 데려갈 것을 청하다”: Gu Chi-gwan requests that he may take Jeong Heun, Kim Ching, Jo Gan, and Seong Geon as officers.

1월 10일 - 1. “병조 참지 한의에게 내구마 1필을 내려 주다“: King Yejong gives Byeongjo official, Han Ui, a slender horse.

2. ”위사의 수를 채우기 위해 조관을 하삼도에 보내 군사를 징발케 하다“: They were lacking the number of guards (위사= soldiers who had guarded property in the royal palace), so Yejong ordered a couple thousand cavalry and infantry from the lower three provinces.

3. ”상당군 한명회가 난신의 처첩과 자녀를 공신에게 노비로 줄 것을 청하다“: Han Myeong-hwe asks that Yejong give the wives and children of 난신 (officials who cause trouble) as slaves for the officials who contributed to the country.

1월 11일-15일 (January 11th to 15th)

1월 11일 - 1. “구치관을 정서 대장군으로, 어유소·선형·유자광·구겸 등을 장군으로 삼다“: Yejong selects Gu Chi-gwan as Great general, and Eo Yoo-so, Seon Hyeong, Yoo Ja-gwang, and Gu Gyeom as supporting generals.

2. ”평안도 관찰사 허종이 하직하니 활과 화살을 내려 주다“: Pyeongan Province commander Heo Jong bids Yejong farewell (하직= farewell you give to the King before going on a long trip), so Yejong gives him a bow and arrows.

3. ”구치관에게 옷과 초구를, 어유소·선형·유자광·구겸에게 옷을 내려 주다“: Yejong gives Gu Chi-gwan clothes and mink fur (?), and the other generals some clothes.

4. ”대마주 태수 종정국이 토물을 바치다“: Tsushima governor offers local goods as tribute.

1월 12일 - 1. ”골간 올적합 이다롱개와 알타리 마다롱합, 여진 원호시내가 토물을 바치다“: More envoys offer goods, based on the name, would say they’re Mongolian, Jurchen, and other nationalities in Manchuria at the time.

1월 13일 - 1. ”난신의 처첩과 자녀를 공신에게 노비로 내려 주다“: Yejong awards the wives and children of the “bad” officials to the “good” officials as slaves.

2. ”녹을 주는 것은 광흥창의 업무인데 군자감에 위임하니 추국하게 하다“: 광흥창 (a government office) is supposed to be in charge of giving out pay, but they relegated that responsibility to 군자감, so Yejong interrogated 광흥창.

3. ”벼슬을 제수한 자의 고신을 서경을 기다려서 내어주게 하다“: This entry is in regards to 서경, the process by which the king hired an official, then afterwards went through the steps to do the background and resume check on the official.

4. ”천릉 도감에서 사목을 아뢰다“: 천릉도감 (which was in charge of the logistics if the graves of Kings, Queens, and Royals were moved) discusses their operations with Yejong.

1월 14일 - 1. ”고부 청시사 이석형과 청승습사 이파가 명나라에서 돌아오다“: Officials Yi Seok-hyeong and Yi Pa returns from Ming.

2. ”김길통과 이숭원에게 관직을 제수하다“: Yejong gives posts to Kim Gil-tong and Yi Soong-won.

1월 15일 - 1. ”정서할 제장들의 호칭을 ‘정서’는 ‘진서’로, ‘정로’는 ‘평로’로 고치게 하다“: Yejong renames the titles given to some of the generals, as Shin Suk-ju was afraid that the titles might be offensive to Ming pride.

2. ”구치관에게 말 1필을 내려 주고 서도에 가서 진안하게 하다“: Yejong gives Gu Chi-gwan a horse and orders him to go to 서도 (西道) and comfort the people.

3. ”관상감에서 14일 축시에 월식이 있으리라고 말했는데 이날 밤에 월식하다“: 관상감 said there would be a lunar eclipse on the 14th, but there wasn’t. Yejong was going to punish them, but it happened on the 15th, and Yejong decided not to punish.

4. ”양천·과천·강화 지방의 도적떼들을 한봉련에게 가서 잡게 하다“: Yejong orders Han Bong-ryeon to go to Yangcheon, Gwacheon, and Ganghwa regions to clean up bandit groups.

5. ”환관을 구치관의 집에 보내서 전별연을 베풀어 위로하다“: Yejong sends eunuchs to Gu Chi-gwan’s house and offers a party to console the family.

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