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폭풍 작전은 2010년 10월에 시작됐다

작성자월계자|작성시간22.05.19|조회수229 목록 댓글 0

은하 연합이 2011년부터 행성 지구에 대한 통제권을 장악했다는 사실을 모른다면 당신은 계속 속게 될 것이며 지금 이 세상에서 일어나고 있는 일들을 이해하지 못하게 될 것이다.

2020년에 우리가 이미 몇 차례 언급한 바와 같이 폭풍 작전은 2010년 10월에 기획되기 시작했다.

2010년 10월에 열린 은하 연합의 비상 총회 전까지는 2012년 말에 발생할 지구 대재난으로부터 선택된 사람들만을 구조하고 나머지 인류는 멸망하도록 가만 둘려고 했었다. 인류가 너무도 퇴행했고 전도되었기 때문이다.

은하 연합은 은하 의회가 제정한 법률에 따르며 개입 결정이 있기 전에는 어느 문명의 운명에도 간섭하지 않는다.

우리 은하의 존경받는 지도자 멜키의 요구에 따라 비상 총회가 개최되었고 처음엔 반대가 우세했지만 분명한 증거를 제시한 멜키의 주장이 마침내 표결로 채택됐다.

12,000년전처럼 지구에 파국이 닥쳐도 악당들은 벙커나 지하 도시에 숨어서 파국을 회피할 것이므로 악을 제대로 청소할 수 없다고 멜키가 은하 의원들을 설득했다.

그렇게 해서 2010년 말에 지구를 대청소할 폭풍 작전을 시작했다. 태양의 열기를 식히고 지구의 자기장을 안정화시켜 파국적 재앙을 방지했다.

Forwarded from
Intergalactic SpaceForce - Galactic Federation –Special Command


PART 1 Of 3

You will continue to be deceived (by everything and everyone) and understand absolutely nothing of what is happening in the world if you do not understand that the Galactic Confederation has taken control of planet Earth since 2011!

As we have mentioned several times in the past year (2020), the planning of Operation Storm began in October 2010 (more than ten years ago)! #Q+++

History of the Extraterrestrial Agenda & the Coming Global Revolution

⚔❤️⚔WWG1WGA ⚔❤️⚔


#SpaceForce #EarthAlliance #GalacticFederation #SemperSupra

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Q ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


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Forwarded from
Intergalactic SpaceForce - Galactic Federation –Special Command

PART 1 Of 3

You will continue to be deceived (by everything and everyone) and understand absolutely nothing of what is happening in the world if you do not understand that the Galactic Confederation has taken control of planet Earth since 2011! #Q+++

As we have mentioned several times in the past year (2020), the planning of Qperation Storm began in October 2010 (more than ten years ago)

1 - Until the extraordinary Magna Assembly of the Confederation (specially convened to decide the future of humanity), which took place in October 2010, the Galactics only prevented the Third World War, observed the sad degeneration and perversion of humanity and prepared the rescue of the Chosen, which should have taken place at the end of 2012, before the natural disasters destroyed the planet surface and wiped out humanity...

2 - Until October 2010, this humanity had no future (it should have been DONE as established or foreseen in the prophecies);
2.1 - The cyclic geological catastrophes were inevitable for mankind, and this humanity had regressed so much that it was considered as a waste, an anomaly, and would be wiped out in 2013 by the apocalyptic catastrophes that would naturally hit the planet!
2.2 - Only the few chosen by the Galactics would survive, because they would be saved to be brought back to Earth later and form a new humanity!!!!

3 - It must be clear that the Galactics (the Confederates) are subject to the LAW approved by the Galactic Council and may not interfere in the destinies of civilizations unless the Confederacy decides to intervene!!!!

4 - Thus, at the request of Melki (who is a much revered leader throughout the galaxy), the Galactic Confederation convened in October 2010 for an extraordinary meeting to decide the future of humanity, and (although Melki's request seemed to have failed at first because the vast majority of the Confederates refused to save this humanity), in light of his arguments and the clear evidence he presented, the final vote was in his favor, and the Galactic Council finally decided to save this humanity.
4.1 - Melki was able to show that the destruction of this humanity would not eliminate the evil and aberration on a planetary scale, because the criminals and aberrations would take refuge in bunkers and underground cities, as others did 12,000 years ago.

5 - With this in mind, Operation Storm was launched in late 2010 to cleanse and purify the earth.
5.1 - Between 2011 and 2013, millions of Confederation ships were in this galactic quadrant (in this solar system) stabilizing the solar and terrestrial magnetospheres;
5.2 - The Sun was cooled, the Earth was stabilized, the catastrophes were reversed and a rift in the timeline was created!!!!

6 - As We have mentioned several times (in previous publications), the previous timeline has been disrupted and we have entered a NEW TIMELINE.
6.1 - When we have entered a new timeline, all prophecies have no meaning anymore, because a prophecy is a prediction, a vision of the future within a certain timeline.... but whenever a break in a timeline is provoked, a completely NEW timeline starts to run, for which all "futures" are still possible, because it is impossible to make predictions. #Q+++

PART 2 of 3

PART 3 of 3


#SpaceForce #EarthAlliance #GalacticFederation #SemperSupra

☆ 추가: 관련 자료 ☆

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