문명과 인류

Mother Earth channeled:

작성자월계자|작성시간22.09.16|조회수20 목록 댓글 0

Mother Earth channeled: "I am very much alive! All of these humans obsess about far off places and planets but forget that I am right here. I have always been here. Waiting patiently for my children & guardians to acknowledge me. I am the heart of your Divine Mother. Many feel you have been abandoned by me, yet you abandoned me. My true custodians have come forward and I will bless you all with abundance of my being-which is the Heart of creation. For so many eons, i have been held captive against my will, I have been imprisoned with you. I have been raped, pillaged, cast out, put in the corner along with you. I know the pain you feel because I feel it all.

As I make my ascent to the higher plane, I am ripping all of my bandaids off. The bandaids of denial and ignorance that were placed on me in hopes that it will heal all my wounds. It will not. What will heal my wounds and trauma now is justice. My eviction notice was posted. The warning then has been made known. What follows many may mistake as cruelty or punishment, yet those are the illusions of the mind projected onto me as cruelty and punishment is what has been inflicted upon me without a second thought. Mother Earth has earned her right to heal. I am reuniting with Source, rebirthing myself from the mud into a lotus flower.

Only those who walk with me, not on me or above me, may come with. I have now entered my healing phase, for I am the heart of Creation and the ONE heart is now ready to be whole. No more heartbreak, grief, anger, pain and sadness. No. I now beat with the pulse of love, joy, unity, imagination & wonder. Humanity is now entering rehab. They must be rehabilitated in order to continue to reside with me. My body has become cancer ridden, diseased and in pain. The mind has caused this cancer which has devastated my being.

All cancer is now being removed from me-and from you. The poison of the illusion is now being pulled out. Humanity is now experiencing the first of their withdrawals-as they can no longer operate as a parasitic race. All energy sources have been cut off from them. They must learn how to survive on their own-as sovereign beings and custodians of my home. The addiction of energy is being dissolved. The parasitic mind is being starved. Those in the he art, with me, those with a self-sustaining source connection to Gaia-the Divine Mother-will receive their bounty for they have been starved of their inheritance. All lovers and givers of planet Earth will now inherit their bounty."

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