
[소개] 7th EASP Conference

작성자최광은|작성시간10.08.05|조회수110 목록 댓글 0

7th EASP Conference

Searching for New Policy Paradigms in East Asia:
Initiatives, Ideas and Debates


Hosted by: EASP & Graduate School of Theology, Sogang University

Sponsored by: OECD Korea & Sogang University

Date: 20th-21st Aug. 2010

Venue: Sogang University, Korea


Searching for new policy paradigms in East Asia:
initiatives, ideas and debates

A range of challenges posed through globalisation and social changes have imposed fundamental questions on policy makers and academics that have been under pressure to reconsider conventional approaches in social policy. In addition, the recent global economic seems to reframe existing notions and debates even aroused since the 1980s and 90s. As a result, we can find a range of discussions already searching for new policy paradigms across the world. In many countries, there have been various attempts to reorganise their policies and to innovate them. Some ideas and programmes may have been developed for a long period such as policy measures to encourage social enterprise and localised (or social) economy while others are just reinvigorated from longstanding arguments attracting revived attention, for instance, basic income.

Stream 1: Searching for new policy ideas: concepts and discourses
Stream 2: Poverty, inequality and exclusion
Stream 3: Welfare regime and welfare politics in East Asia
Stream 4: Family policy and youth
Stream 5: Social services and delivery in local community
Stream 6: Social policy, economy, and employment
Stream 7: Tackling ageing society: quality of life in old ages
Stream 8: Urban development and housing policy
Stream 9: Health care reform and health policy
Stream 10: Rehabilitation and disability
Stream 11: Others

Ketnote Speakers

  • Prof. Guy Standing (University of Bath, UK)
  • Prof. Toru Yamamori (Doshisha University, Japan)
  • Prof. Linda Wong (City University of Hong Kong, China)
  • Prof. Huck-Ju Kwon (Seoul National University, Korea)


20th August 2010 (Friday)

9:00 - 09:30 Registration  
09:30 - 10:00 Opening ceremony  
10:00 - 11:20 Plenary Session

- Prof. Guy Standing (University of Bath)
- Prof. Toru Yamamori (Doshisha University)

11:30 - 13:00 Paper Sessions 1 5 Paper sessions
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch  
14:00 - 15:30 Paper Sessions 2 5 paper sessions
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee/Tea Break  
16:00 - 18:00 Paper Sessions 3 5 Paper sessions
18:30 Conference Dinner  


21st August 2010 (Saturday)

9:30 - 11:00 Paper Sessions 4

5 paper sessions

11:00 - 11:20 Coffee/ Tea Break  
11:20 - 12:50 Paper Sessions 5

5 paper sessions

12:50 - 13:40 Lunch  
13:40 - 15:10 Paper Sessions 6

5 paper sessions

15:10 - 15:40 Coffee/Tea Break


15:40 - 17:00 Plenary Session

- Prof. Linda Wong (City University of Hong Kong)
- Prof. Huck-Ju Kwon (Seoul National University)

17:00 - 17:15 Closing Ceremony Announcement by EASP committee


Paper Session 1: Friday 20th, 11:30 - 13:00

Stream 1

Sangmi Lee A Comparative Study on the Pension Reform of Korea and Japan: Focused on Veto Point
Jin Wook Kim and Young Jun Choi Back to 'Three worlds of welfare capitalism': Feminisation of poverty in welfare-state regimes
Peter Abrahamson East Asian Integration: Spillover into social rights?

Stream 2

Hardeep Aiden
A Change of Approach? Policy Approaches towards Japan's Foreign Residents
C.K. Law, Y. C. Wong, and Rose Yu Discourse in cyberspace: A case study on public engagement of a major development project in Hong Kong

Rohana Yusof

Implementation of policies for entrepreneurship development among women: Are social traits and cultural values worth considering?

Stream 3

Rozita Abdul Mutalib and Noreha Hashim New Public Management (NPM): Reforms and Management of Change at Selected Local Authorities in Malaysia
Suet Lin Hung Joint parental responsibility model: Welfare and community responses to domestic violence
Koichi Hiraoka Measures to Improve the Quality of Care in Japanese Social Care Services: Recent developments, Problems and Implications

Stream 4

Goishi Norimichi
Commonality and Variety of Activation Policies in East Asia
Vincent W. P. Lee A Study of the Employment Assistance and Training Services for the Youths in Hong Kong
Bo Ram Hwang, Young-Mi Yoo, and A-reum Boo

An Analysis of the Effectiveness of Marketing Strategy on the Sales returns of the Self-sufficiency Business Communities

Stream 5

Misa Izuhara, and Ray Forrest 'Active Families': housing and welfare across generations in shifting East Asian welfare systems
Young A Lee
Analysis on capacity building of residents in community development in S. Korea
Shiou-chao Wu, and Ti-li Kao
The Paradoxical Partnership: An Examination of Changing System Relations between Local Governments and Non-profit Organizations under the Implementation of Social Welfare Privatization in Taiwan
Paper Session 2: Friday 20th, 14:00 - 15:30

Stream 1

Tsunghsi Fu

How do people prepare for old age?: A survey in Taipei City

Ming-fang Chen
Welfare Restructuring in Taiwan: the Example of Old Age Income Security
Yeon-Myung Kim

Is There an East Asian Pension Model? A Comparison of Pension Systems in Korea, China and Japan

Stream 2

Myung Joon Park Consensual Politics and Welfare Reform in New Democracies: South Korea and Spain
Timo Fleckenstein and Soohyun Lee
Conservative Welfares States in Flux:Comparing the Expansion of Family Policies in Germany and South Korea
Kwok Kin Fung and Suet Lin Hung Financial Tsunami and Welfare Impacts on the Poor: A Case Study of Hong Kong

Stream 3

Taekyun Yoo A Study on the Difference between Female-Headed Poor Households and Male-Headed Poor Households in Factors Affecting the Likelihood of Escaping from Poverty: the Effect of Care-Giving Burden and Labor Market Participation
Fengping Zhao
Competition for Poorer?Some Reflections on China's Rural Minimum Living Standard Guarantee Policy
Jian-Ping Yao and Byung-Cheol Kim
The working poor in urban China and active social policy in times of financial crisis

Stream 4

Hyung-Gyoo (Paul) Kim Benefits of Evidence based Health Care in East Asian Countries
Kota Ogasawara
Infant mortality and Area Commissioner System in prewar Japan
Jin-Yong Wang Multiple perspectives: Mental health policy reform in Taiwan

Stream 5

Song-Jin Yang Narrative study of Motherhood among Women with a Physical Disability: Researcher as a child whose mother with a physical disability
Karen R. Fisher and Zeng Fanlin
ISocial inclusion goals in Shanghai disability community centres
Ritsu Yamamura The Policies and its Challenge to Conduct SE-model for People with Psychiatric Disabilities
Paper Session 3: Friday 20th, 16:00 - 18:00

Stream 1 Panel Session

Shogo Takegawa
Lian-hua Li
Young Jun Choi
Sung Won Kim
Between generality and peculiarity: Researching contemporary East Asian welfare regimes in comparative perspectives

Stream 2

EADP team
East Asian Data project (EADP) report 

Stream 3

Yu-ching Yeh and Tsai-tsung Ma

Social Adaptation of Male Immigrants: Issues of Social Class, Gender, and Race

Tuukka Toivonen The Comparative Study of Youth Problems: National Debates, Transnational Influences and Shared Sociological Mechanisms
Byung-Don Son and So-Chung Lee The transition of family relations in Korea: focusing on the parent-married child relationship according to income class
Dongchul Jung Welfare Policies in Korea and Japan since the Economic Crisis: The Transition of Labor Market and the Family Structure

Stream 4

MingFang Hsu Issues of Long-term Care Insurance System and Foreign Care Worker Policy in Taiwan
Siao-Wei Huang, Pei-Ying Wu, and Po-Tsung The Utilization of the Concept of Successful Aging in the Analysis of the Design of Elderly Day Care Centers: A Case Study of Two Day Care Centers in Tainan, Taiwa
Yunjeong Yang Why 'working longer' cannot be equal to 'active ageing': from qualitative interviews in the Korean context

Stream 5

Moo-Kwon Chung Skill Specificity and Social Policy Preferences in Korea
Kyung-Zoon Hong
Politics matters: comparative patterns of the preferences, institutions and social policy development.
Enrique Valencia Lomelí Social policies and social debates in the Korean and Mexican welfare regimes.
Paper Session 4: Saturday 21st, 9:30 - 11:00

Stream 1

Misa Izuhara and Junko Yamashita Personalisation of care with or without 'direct payment' : A comparative study of Japan and England
Carmel K.M. Lee and C. K Law Reengineering Elderly Community Services - A Hong Kong Experience
Yong-Ho Chon The use and provision of long-term care services in Korea: The View from Carers, Care Managers and Service Providers

Stream 2

Eriko Hamada Embedding Ideas into Policy: A Case Study of the Japanese Youth Employment Program
Chao-Yin Lin and Yun-Hsiang Hsu Eval‎uating the Taiwanese Multiple Employment Development Program from the Outcomes of Participants' Labor Participation
Kyung-Eun Yang Study on Factors Affecting Immigrant Brides' Labor Force Participation in South Korea - Focusing on Economic Integration Approach

Stream 3

Jooha Lee and Tae Kyoon Kim Development, Democratisation, and Social Policy: Social Politics of Welfare Reforms in Korea and Japan
Won Sub Kim and Young Jun Choi Emergence of pension politics in South Korea: revisit to the role of the bureaucrats?
Patricia Kennett and Kam-Wah Chan Gender, Governance and Citizenship in East Asian Societies

Stream 4

Ka Ho Mok and
Chang Jiang
Right Diagnosis and Appropriate Treatment for the Global Financial Crisis? Social Protection Measures and Social Policy Responses in East Asia
Han Chang-Keun Asset-building policy throughout the life course: Lessons from Singapore
Richard Ronald and
John Doling
Shifting East Asian Approaches to Homeownership and the Housing Welfare Pillar


Stream 5

Hiroaki Richard Watanabe Politics of Economic Inequality in Japan in Comparison to South Korea
Wingkit Chan

The Path to the Ant Tribe: A Study on the Education System that Reproduces Social Inequality in China

Paper Session 5: Saturday 21st, 11:20 - 12:50

Stream 1

Ryozo Matsuda Japanese Health Policy: Continuity and Change
Alex He Jingwei Containing Healthcare Expenditures through Concerted Bureaucratic Efforts: the Case of Fujian Province
Hiroshi Takebata Where should the Japanese disability policy go? : From the comparison to the long-term care social insurance system in Japan

Stream 2

Jen-Der Lue Still the Century of Welfare Productivism? The East-Asian Welfare Capitalism in Transition
Do-kyun Kim The familial welfare regime and the household's 'exit' strategy: The case of Japan
John Hudson Welfare Regimes and Global Cities - A Missing Link in the Comparative Analysis of Welfare States?

Stream 3

Yasuhiro Kamimura Employment Structure and Unemployment Insurance in East Asian Countries
Wong Yu-cheung and Tseng Qun Social assistance in Shanghai: Dynamics between social protection and non-formal employment.
Sophia Lee The Varieties of Welfare Production Regimes in De-industrializing East Asian Economies: South Korea, Taiwan and Japan

Stream 4

Na Li and Linda Wong Changing Institution and Evolution of Chinese Welfare NPOs: Cases from Urban Old Age Homes in Shanghai
Chih-lung Huang and Carl Shrsyung Chang Rethinking Old Age Income Security for All in Taiwan
Shih-Jiunn Shi The Political Economy of Pension Privatization in Greater China
Paper Session 6: Saturday 21st, 13:40 - 15:10

Stream 1

Wanxin Li and Maggie Lau Measuring social capital in China among primary school children, their parents and teachers
Sun-Kyung Kang A Study of the Factors Affecting the Resilience of Battered Wives
Heeran Chun and Minah Kang Experiences of discrimination and the health of the Korean elderly

Stream 2

Ijin Hong and Shinhwee Oh Trends and Determinants of Social Expenditure in East Asia
Sung Hee Lee The Comparison of Social Care Regime in South Korea, the UK and Sweden: Based Upon the Politics of Gender

Stream 3

Gyu-Jin Hwang Welfare State Adaptations in East Asia
Huisheng Shou Welfare States to Social Safety Nets: Globalization, Developmental Strategies, and the Transformation of Welfare Regimes in East Asia
Jae-jin Yang Why is the Korean welfare state so small?: Generating hypotheses to understand the small welfare states in the US, Japan, and Korea

Stream 4

Masanari Sakurai The development strategy of WISEs in Japan for realizing social inclusion
Badariah Haji Din The effect of budgetary participation on managerial performance via organizational commitment in Malaysian local government authorities
Akira Yonezawa

Work Integration Social Enterprise in Japan: Issues Concerning Working conditions of the Members

Poster Presentations
Huang Xiaoxing and Xu Yingyan Urban Poverty, Property Management and Community Movements - The Experience of Community Mobilization in a "Jie Kun Fang"1 community in G City
Jiyeon Lee Labor Welfare for Women Workers in Korea since 2001: Social Insurance, Maternal Leave, and Childcare Leave
Yeonwoo Kim
Long-term Effects of Change in Family Structure on Achievement During Transition to Adulthood
Youngwoo Byun International Comparison of Employer-Employee Concepts in Social Insurances
Agenosono Yoshiko, An Seung-Hee, Hori Takaki, Kamozawa Saori, and Yumika Himeshima
Occupational Low-back Pain in Care Workers
Chin-Jung Wu, Wen-Pei Huang, and Po-Tsung Chen A study of investigating the space design of hospice wards by the view of successful aging- Example of the hospice wards in two Southern Medical Center
Chung Hyeon Han and Tae Eun Kim A study of integration elderly care services based on community in the long-term care : necessity of introduction care management
Ji Young won The relationships between human and social capital and labor market outcomes of youth
Ju-Huey Wen and Shuo-Fang Liu Research on Universal Design for Elderly
Hyun Ju Kang and Sang Mi Cho Job Satisfaction of Social Workers: A Review
What Do We Learn and Suggest From Past Research?
armel K.M. Lee, C. K. Law, and Lisa Ho The Possible Impacts of Urban Redevelopment on Social Support Networks in Four Old Urban Districts in Hong Kong and the Implications to Urban Renewal Strategies
Se hee Lim The Effects of Housing Poverty on Child Development
Song-Jin Yang Buying a New Wheelchair: An Institutional Ethnographic Study of Assistive Technology Subsidy Policy in Taipei City
Yi-Lang Chao The emergence and development of active labor market polices in Taiwan
Yun-Chun Chang, Lan-Ting Huang, Jia-Chi Lai, and Yu-Ying Chen
Analysis of Supporting Group in Psychiatric Social Work
Yuri Goto The significance of social movement organizations as an 'intermediator' : A case of Asian disability rights movements
Byung hyun Park, Mijin Park, and Sooyoung Kim A Study on predicting the outcomes of Gijang Welfare Network pilot project - Using SROI model
Choi Song Sik, Park Hyun Suk, Yeo Koo Hwan, Bae-Eun Suk, and Park Esther Comparative study of the distribution standard of basic income institutional and Silhak(scholars of last Choson)
HueiYu Chen, LiFan Liu, and Potsung Chen The Development of service delivery model of rehabilitation in long term care system in Taiwan
Jie Lei The Social Quality of China's Welfare System: A Case Study of Danwei Welfare in Pre-Reform Period
Sa-Hyun Kim and Kyung-Zoon Hong The effect of welfare state institutions on welfare attitude
Masahiko Kaneko Why the number of hospital beds per population in Japan is high?

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