
[외국계 금융사] Loss Control Consultant

작성자[HR Consultant]|작성시간14.10.13|조회수18 목록 댓글 0

[Job Descriptions]
- Conducts site inspections and write risk survey report and provide recommendations to improve risk
- Do desktop review of risk from report written by other insurance companies or brokers
- Follows-up on recommendations made during survey
- Provide loss control engineering services to clients as and when necessary
- Provide technical advice to underwriters as and when necessary
- Provide training on loss prevention/control to business partners and clients when requested
- Assist underwriter to win account when necessary
- Produce management/administration report to manager at regular intervals


- A basic engineering degree in any discipline
- Excellent communication skills in both oral and written in English
- Work experiences in loss prevention/control survey and consultancy work, preferably in HPR environment.
- Be able to work independently with minimum supervision
- Good interpersonal skills
- Good presentation skills
- Proficient in English

- 채용형태: 정규직
- 채용직급: 협의(대리-과장)
- 근무지: 서울 종로
- 급여: 협의(경력에 따른 협의)
- 채용절차: resume - interview
- 지원방법: Email 지원(
- 제출서류: 국/영문 이력서 & 자기소개서(경력기술서)
- 문의사항: 박인수 컨설턴트 (02-6925-6713)
# 채용시 마감

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