[프리콘텐츠]3월 정기토익 대비 이코노미 RC 1000제 대박자료 10회

작성자모질게토익|작성시간09.03.27|조회수331 목록 댓글 0

** 토익 만점 보장보험 모질게 토익 독자 사랑 서비스 **



      모질게 토익  이코노미 1000제로 매일매일 풀어보는 대박자료(문제+해설)를 제공해드립니다.

      3월 29일 토익~목표점수 달성 GO GO~!!



 - 3월 27일 이코노미 RC1000제 대박자료  10회- 



 Part 6


Questions 147-149  refer to the following article.

LaDon Talent has good opportunities for part-time personnel. Positions available are part-time, mostly weekends, and typically 5-7 hours a day.


Earn $8 for a 5-hour event plus bonuses. You will be 147. -------

(A) aware     (B) eligible       (C) responsible        (D) qualified


for promoting brands by distributing brochures and samples or demonstrating products to prospective customers, 148. -------

(A) if             (B) given          (C) within               (D) besides

creating brand awareness of the product features.


If you apply for this position and it? not available at the time,   please be assured that LaDon Talent will retain your application in our files for 60 days. During this time your application will remain available for 149. ------- until opportunities become open.

(A) consider       (B) considering        (C) considered        (D) consideration


Questions 150-152  refer to the following article.


To :       Employees

From :   Palm Eastwood Personnel Manager

Subject :             Time off from work

Date :    Dec. 5 2007

The 150. ------- of this memo is to let the employees know about

(A) advantage     (B) study         (C) purpose         (D) influence

the policy on sick leave and other absences.


Time off from work may be authorized for various reasons.  Generally, when employees want to be absent for any personal 151. -------, it is subject to approval by their immediate supervisor.

(A) proximity       (B) conclusion         (C) matters        (D) contents


For excessive tardiness without a valid reason or any unreported leave, even if it? 152. ------- court leave or military leave,

(A) because       (B) from          (C) due to         (D) yet

they will receive a written warning. Please be aware that three written warnings will result in dismissal.




 mp파일 및 해설  자료:



첨부파일 2009년_3월27일_모질게이코RC_대박자료해설.doc

* 본 내용은 [모질게 토익 이코노미 LC1000제 문제집/해설집] 중 일부를 사용한 것입니다.  




임정섭, 노준형 / 10,000원        Lori / 10,000원            짐리 / 12,000원        강진오, 강원기 / 12,000원  임정섭, 장광혁 / 10,000원


 모질게 토익 베스트셀러 <이코노미 시리즈>

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