

" 그 나라에 살리 "

작성자김흥국| 작성시간14.03.03| 조회수509| 댓글 2

댓글 리스트

  • 작성자 김창근 작성시간14.03.04 I Will Live in the Kingdom

    With His complete love,
    With the grace of the precious blood of the LORD,
    With the love, He set churches up, and
    His kingdom has come.

    Although the love of faithful LORD fills my life all the time,
    I have abandoned the love; in accordance with my thought,
    I am living, forgetting the kingdom.
  • 작성자 김창근 작성시간14.03.04 The love, flowing for me,
    The love, flowing all over the world,
    overflows me, who have abandoned the love.

    As the LORD rules the kingdom,
    which he has recovered,
    I will live in the kingdom,
    bearing the hope to see the LORD.

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