[Overseas] NOTICE

[ENG] Notice about receiving the product

작성자낭닥2영번역스탭|작성시간20.12.17|조회수377 목록 댓글 0

Hi everyone, this is the production team of <Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 2> Blu-ray.

This is a notice about couple things that you should be aware of as you start receiving your purchased Blu-ray products. 

Please thoroughly read this notice to prevent any potential problems after you receive your product.


1. Please check if any components are missing or damaged.



- Please first check and make sure you received all the components after you receive your product.

- If there are any problems in your product such as missing parts, printing errors, or tear of any pages, please address your problem through Global Yes24 Customer Services.

- Exchange and returns for defective products is eligible for up to one month from the date you receive your product.

- Product cannot be exchanged when product is damaged due to individual handling. Please be careful when opening  the product with sharp tools.

- Yellow-colored box is simply for packaging of pre-order special gifts, and damage on this box does not qualify for exchange.

- There are overlaps and typos on an article included within the special features booklet. This is due to the errors made in the original version of the article, and the ones on our booklet are just scanned versions of this original article. This is NOT considered an error.


※ Cautions on handling the discs

- This video shows how to handle the discs without damaging them. Applying too much force to remove it from the case may cause the disc to break, so make sure to lightly press to separate the disc from its case.


2. Please check the errors within the content in the discs.


[Notice about additional video features]

This notice is to let you know about some features that you may think as errors. Following items listed are NOT errors, so make sure to consider these when checking your disc features.


(1) Making

There are few noises within the making videos, which are some sorts of environmental/production noises than come from wind, water, and production machines. Also, auto-focusing feature of cameras may have led to a little bit of blurry or shaky videos, but these are NOT errors. We put in those features to include as much making videos as possible as we can in our product. 


(2) Bundle of Kissing scenes

There is an approximate 14-minute section within this bundle that says [NO SOUND]. This section is filmed as high-speed method, and the original video file does NOT include the sound. OST's are inserted as the background for comfortable watching.


(3) Poster filming

Background music of poster filming scenes are subsituted with our drama's OST's to prevent possible problems that may cause copyright issues. 


- Color and sound of features may differ based on the playing environment (device, sound device, and playing platform).

- If there are any features from the episodes that you think may be an error, please compare it to the broadcasted version of the same episode. It is not an error if they are the same.

- Please check the playing environment before you play the discs. The errors are more likely to happen if the playing device has low specifications. 

- When you think there is an error within your product, please check again using different settings, such as different device or switching to another player. Please upload your problems to the [Error-reporting] category of our cafe if the problem keeps happening after playing it using different devices or players. 


3. Please be careful about uploading and commenting the product and its contents.


- When uploading pictures of the product online, uploading of only the outer features is permitted. You are NOT ALLOWED to upload any inner portions of contents such as photo booklet, special booklet, or script book.

- When uploading pictures online, please apply watermarks such as 'Not for sale' or your nickname to prevent theft of your pictures to use them elsewhere for inappropriate uses.

- You are ABSOLUTELY NOT ALLOWED to depict or comment on any features including videos or special pre-order gifts.

- When commenting about a video or features on booklets is needed, please make sure not to include specific information about the content. Instead, use indirect description such as 'You should definitely look at p.30 on the photo booklet', or ' 15m 48s on making 3 video is so funny'.


4. Please protect the copyright of the product.


- All the videos and components of <Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 2> Director's cut is protected by copyright laws. Violation of copyright laws may subject to legal actions regardless of the country that the action was committed. 

- We strictly prohibit actions such as sharing any features online, making screenshots to make gifs and secondary processings, uploading scans or photographs of the contents. 

- It is also illegal to make, share, purchase, and to share goods referring to the special pre-order gifts.

- Please report any copyright prohibition to the corresponding category of our cafe, and ask the uploader to delete it. 


5. About production team activity after product release.


- We, the production team of <Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim 2> Director's cut Blu-ray, will stop all the activity regarding the production on Dec. 29th, 2020, unless there is a universal error on the product.

- Joining of production cafe will not be accepted, and all the SNS accounts of our team will freeze after Dec. 29th, 2020, as well.

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