
[127] 2017-09-06 Lifestyle of Laos (Buddhist temple ~ )

작성자상생21|작성시간17.09.07|조회수72 목록 댓글 0

[127] 2017-09-06 Lifestyle of Laos (Buddhist temple ~ )



Pilgrims 순례참가자 :

LEE Won-young 이원영 (Director of Pilgrims, Republic of Korea)

HARA Tsunenori 原 恒德 (Staff of Pilgrims, Japan)

어제 도착한 그 사찰에서 출발

We started walking at the temple where we arrrived at yesterday.

고승을 배출힌 사찰이다.

This is the temple where a respected old monk was produced.

마을버스가 통학시간대에는 민원이다. 매달려 가는 학생들도 보인다.

Village bus is full of passengers during rush hour.  A few students was hanging while moving.

식당입구에는 예외없이 이렇게 손씻는 장소가 있다.

At the entrance of a restaurant, the hand-washing place is prepared.

하라상이 중학교에 설치된 원두막에 가서 아이들에게 생명로드에 대해 설명하고 있다.

Mr. Hara went to the shelter at the middle school, and explained about the New Silk Road.

일종의 고급주거마을이다.

This village is a high-class residence.

걷는 내내 짙은 구름이 하늘을 가린다.
수월한 하루였다.
이날 일정은 단순힌 편이다.

While we were walking, the weather was overcast all day long. 

Today, it was easy to walk.   The walking course was very simple.


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