
[158] 2017-10-07 Arriving at Lake

작성자상생21|작성시간17.10.07|조회수141 목록 댓글 0

[158] 2017-10-07 Arriving at Lake



Pilgrims 순례참가자 :

LEE Won-young 이원영 (Director of Pilgrims, Republic of Korea)

HARA Tsunenori 原 恒德 (Staff of Pilgrims, Japan)

토요일 아침 자전거 하이킹을 즐기는 시민이 지나가다가 사연을 알고는 엄지를 치켜세운다.

In Saturday morning, a man who was riding a bicycle happened to know the pilgrimage.

He raised his thumb up. 

가운데 있는 16세 학생이 휴일이라 가게를 도우러 나왔다가 만났다. 

그녀는 궁금한 게 많았다.  그러고 보니 열흘전쯤 학생들이 묻던 게 생각난다.

'목적은 이해하겠는데 왜 자동차를 이용하지 않고 걸어서 가는가?'

필자가 답했다. '여러분을 만나기 위해서다. 걸어가야 이처럼 여러분을 만날 수 있지 않은가?'

The 16-years-old girl in this picture was helping her mother in the shop because it was a holiday.

She was very curious about the pilgrimage and asked several qeustions. 

It remined me of the question from the students I met about 10 days ago.

"I can understand the purpose of your pilgrimage.  But why do you walk, instead of car?"

My answer was "I wanted to meet you.  I can meet you because I walk."

하라상은 부지런히 지구촌 식구들을 만나고 있다.

Mr. Hara was busy with meeting the members of the Earth family.

오후에는 2번국도에 인접한 아름다운 절 Wat Non Kum 에 갔다.

In the afternoon, I visited a beautiful temple, Wat Non Kum, which is located at roadside of national road no. 2.

입구에 있는 여러 고승들의 동상

Many statues of Buddhist prelates were located at the entrance of the temple.

유명한 고승 Luang Phor Toh의 동상이다. 이 절은 그분을 모신 절이다.

The statue of famous Buddhist prelate, Luang Phor Toh. 

This temple was dedicated to him. 

절 경내에 있는 부드러운 곡선의 분수대가 인상적이었다. 태국적인 이미지가 듬뿍 담겨있는.

The fountain in the temple was very impressive, specially the soft curve of the design which was characteristic of Thai image. 

오늘의 숙소이자 내일의 휴식일을 포함하여 3일간 지낼 방갈로 리조트에 왔다.

경치가 그만이다. 시설도 훌륭하다.

필자는 전망이 좋은 방(750바트, 약 2만5천원)을 원했다. 

자신의 숙소비용을 개인부담하고 있는 하라상은 절약을 원해서 500바트의 일반숙소로 갔다.

We arrived at the lodging, a resort bungalow where I would stay for three days including one rest day.

The view of the bungalow was very good. 

The facility was satiafactory. 

I wanted a room with a good view. 

The expense was 750 bat, 25000 won in Korean currency.

Since Mr. Hara was paying his own expense, he wanted an ordinary room.

The expense of his room was 500 bat. 

하라상은 주인집 딸들에게 벌써 리플렛을 설명하고 있다.

Mr. Hara started explaing about the pilgrimage to the daughters of the owner of the resort right after he arrived. 

마침 토요일이라 도시에서 놀러온 태국청년들과 어울렸다.

맥주를 권했지만 참으면서, 아이스 워터로 함께 건배를 외쳤다.

Since it was Saturday, I could meet several young men from the city.

They wanted to drink beer together, but I could not accept their offer. 

I said "Cheers!" with ice water.     

왜 걷느냐는 그들의 질문에 답하다 보니,

지난달 라오스 영어교실에서 학생들의 질문에 답했던 게 떠올랐다.

'핵무기는 사람이 통제할 수 있지만, 핵발전소는 통제가 불가능하다고. 

지진이나 테러에 속수무책이라고.'

They asked me "Why are you walking?" 

It reminded me of the question asked by the students in the English classroom in Laos.

My answer was "The nuclear weapons are controllabe by people.  But the nuclear power plants are not controllable by people.  The earthquake or terror is beyond control."

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