더운 나라들만 반년이나 지내다 보니
한국의 가을이 더욱 쌀쌀하다.
Because I have stayed for 6 months in warm countries, autumn weather in Korea was felt cool.
마침 토요일이라 지인들(구조론 동호회)과 경기도 광주의 화담숲이라는 큰 정원에 갔다.
With some of my aquaintances (members of a study group), I went to 'wha-dam forest' which is located at Kwang-joo in Kyung-gi province, on Saturday morning.
스릴 넘치는 곤돌라다.
그동안 닦은 셀프카메라 솜씨로 한컷.
I took an exciting gondola.
I took a picture of myself. Now I am very much experienced at taking pictures.
아직도 단풍이 곱다.
The autumn colors were still very beautiful.
구조론의 단골손님인 '물레방아'와 함께 선 김동렬선생
I took of picture of Mr. Kim Dong-Yeol who is a leader of our study group.
한국의 기와지붕과 어울린 단풍
The autumn colors showed beautiful harmony with traditional roofing tiles.