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[불교닷컴] 2021-02-25 교황의 북한 방문을 상상한다(국문/영문)

작성자간사 이승은|작성시간21.04.02|조회수23 목록 댓글 0



교황의 북한 방문을 상상한다

이원영 교수


노구의 달라이라마께서 천천히 입을 떼셨다. ‘후쿠시마사고 직후 나는 현지에 가서 이재민을 위로한 적이 있다. 우리가 원전의 위험으로부터 벗어나게 하는 일을 하시라. 한국과 일본이 함께 하시라.’ 재작년 이맘때 히말라야에서 필자를 친견하면서 하신 말씀이다. 

그로부터 반년 후 필자는 또다시 운이 좋게도 이스탄불에서 3억인의 리더이신 바르톨로메오스 정교회 세계총대주교의 말씀도 들었다. ‘나는 한반도에 평화가 깃들기를 늘 기도하고 있다.’ 그때 알았다. 종교지도자는 늘 지구촌 안위를 걱정하시는 것을.

올봄이면 문대통령과 김정은위원장이 도보다리에서 만난지 만3년이 된다. 그 기적같은 장면을 보면서 우리는 얼마나 기대에 부풀었던가. 그러다가 트럼프대통령이 갈짓자 행보로 바뀌면서 북미가 교착상태에 빠졌고 남북관계도 나빠졌다. 실망으로 점철된 나날들이었다.

그런데 이제 흐름이 바뀌고 있다. 코로나19가  또다른 차원의 국제협력을 요구하고 있는 것이다. 그 중심에 한국이 있다. 이번 팬데믹은 인류의 허약한 실력을 적나라하게 드러내었다. 유엔을 위시한 기존의 기구가 보여준 무기력도 마찬가지다. 4년전 미국의 기후협약 탈퇴에도 아무런 제재를 발동하지 못한 터에, 이번에는 중국에도 휘둘리는 무력한 모습을 보였다. 하기야 체르노빌에 이어 후쿠시마까지 원전사고가 터졌음에도 지구촌안전을 기하는 길을 만들어내지 못하고 있는 게 현주소다. 

사람 몸에는 두 팔이 있고 두 다리가 있다. 가정집에도 아빠의 역할과 엄마의 역할이 있고, 나라에도 정부와 의회가 있다. 세상일은 씨줄과 날줄이 엮여야 제대로 작동한다. 국가권력의 집합체인 유엔은 한쪽 다리밖에 안 된다. 개별국가도 따지고 보면 자본의 힘에 좌우되기 십상이다. 지구촌은 절름발이다. 힘이 쏠려 있고 대칭적 제어의 힘을 갖추지 못하고 있는 것이다. 아직 인류는 제대로 된 길을 찾지 못하고 있다. 

현실적인 대안은 무엇인가. 국가권력들을 제어할 수 있는 힘은 민중에게서 찾을 수밖에 없고, 민중이 의지하는 종교계가 그 역할을 할 수밖에 없다. 다소와 경중의 차이는 있지만 모든 종교는 ‘생명과 안전’을 존중한다. 이 부문에 관한 한 협력이 가능하다. 뿐만 아니라 ‘평화’의 교두보 역할까지 기대할 수 있다. 

이런 기대가 오랫동안 있어온 터에, 석달전 프란치스코 교황이 비공개 석상에서 한반도 평화 정착을 위한 북한 방문 의지를 재확인한 것으로 알려졌다. 주교황청 한국대사관은 프란치스코 교황이 작년 10월, 임기를 마치고 한국으로 돌아가는 이백만 대사를 단독 접견한 자리에서 밝혔다는 것이다. 

교황은 앞서 지난 2018년 10월 교황청을 예방한 문재인 대통령이 김정은 북한 국무위원장의 방북 요청 의사를 전달하자 "공식적으로 초청하면 갈 수 있다"며 사실상 수락한 바 있다. 이번 접견에서 이 대사가 "북한을 방문하시어 그곳 주민들에게 축복을 내려주시길 바란다"고 희망하자 교황은 "지금도 그때와 같은 생각이다"라며, "나도 가고 싶다"라고 호응했다는 것.

북한은 초기의 종교탄압에서 벗어나 1980년대에 큰 변화를 거쳤다. 가톨릭도 당시 ‘장충성당’이 건립된 후 30년 동안 종교행사가 거행되어 왔고, 2015년에는 남한 신부들이 방북하여 합동미사를 지낸 적이 있다. 지금도 매주 일요일 ‘공소예절’이 진행되고 있다고 한다. 인식과 분위기가 바뀐 것이다. 

프란치스코 교황께서 북한을 방문하시면 아픈 역사를 보듬어주는 일을 할 수 있다. 6.25때 북한에서 사망한 연합국 병사들도 많다. 게다가 독일분단과는 달리 한반도는 동족간 전쟁을 한 상처가 깊다. 그 상처를 종교계가 먼저 치유하는 것이다. 무엇보다 미중긴장시대에 북미간 교착을 끌러 갈 수 있는 중재자로서의 의미가 크다. 미국도 새 대통령의 임기가 시작되었다. 이 방문은, ‘지구촌 경찰’이라는 무거운 짐을 짊어진 미국에게는 어깨를 덜어주는 교황의 자비로운 손길이 될 수 있다. 경제봉쇄에 코로나19의 힘든 시기를 보내고 있을 북한과, 아시아의 기둥으로서 북한개방개혁을 이끌어야 할 중국, 그리고 한반도안정과 경제협력을 기대하는 러시아에게도. 

필자는 상상한다. 코로나19가 잠잠해진 어느 가을날 평양을 방문한 교황께서, 희생된 천주교도들을 위무하면서, 이 기회에 무언가의 통큰 결단을 해준 김정은 위원장과 환담을 나눈 후 손을 잡고 도보다리를 건너면서 문대통령을 만나 훤한 웃음을 지으며 서울로 넘어오는 그림을. 

그리고 상상한다. 이 방문이 중국에게도 영감을 주어 불교의 달라이라마께서 북경과 평양과 서울을 순방하면서 이 땅의 민중들과 만나는 장면을.

이원영(수원대 교수, 생명⦁탈핵실크로드순례단장)





[] I imagine Pope’s visit to North Korea 


Prof. Lee Won-young





His Holiness Dalai Lama slowly opened his mouth. “I went to Japan right after the Fukushima nuclear accident and comforted the victims. Do what help us to keep free from dangers of nuclear power plants. I want Korea and Japan to do this work together.” This is what he said when I met him at his residence in Himalaya just two years ago.


Half a year later, fortunately I could meet and listened to His Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew of Orthodox Church at Istanbul. He was the leader of 300 million people. He said to me, “I am always praying for peace of Korean Peninsula.” At that moment, I found out that religious leaders are always concerned with the security of global village.


This spring, it will mark three years since President Moon and Chairman Kim Jong-un met at ‘Foot Bridge’ in Panmunjeom. How excited we were while watching the miraculous scene! But President Trump’s zigzag step made diplomatic relation between United States and North Korea come to a standstill. Diplomatic relation between South and North Korea was worsened. Following days were filled with disappointments.


But new hope is arising now. COVID-19 is calling for new level of international cooperation. Korea is standing at center of new trend. New pandemic revealed the fragile structure of mankind. The helpless structure of existing international organizations such as U.N. was revealed vividly. The United Nations could not impose any sanctions against Trump’s withdrawal from the climate treaty four years ago. In addition, China wielded economic power among international organizations which were dominated by U.S. in the past. The nuclear accidents in Chernobyl and Fukushima were not enough to introduce safeguard measures to prevent another disaster.


Human body has two arms and two legs. Each family needs dual role of father and mother. Each country has government and parliament. The worldly affairs work properly only when the warp and woof are woven together. The United Nations which is a union of powerful nations, however, has only one leg. Every nations tends to be influenced by capital power, when looked closely. The Earth village is lame because power structure is lopsided. There is no balancing system to control overuse of power. The humans have not found the right way to go.


What is a realistic alternative? The global power to control the national authorities must be found from the people. People trust religious leaders. The religious leaders have to bear the balancing role. Every religions basically respect ‘life and safety’, though there may be small differences among religions. Religious cooperation in area of life and safety may be achieved without difficulty. In addition, we may expect the role of foothold for ‘world peace’ from the religious leaders.


Such expectation for peace has been around for a long time. Three months ago, it was reported that Pope Francisco, in a closed-door meeting, reaffirmed his willingness to visit North Korea to settle peace on Korean Peninsula. Embassy of Republic of Korea to the Vatican revealed that Pope Francisco announced his hope to visit North Korea in a single interview with South Korean Ambassador to the Holy See Lee Baek-man who was returning to Korea after his tenure in October last year.


President Moon Jae-in delivered request of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un for Pope’s visit to North Korea, when President visited the Vatican in October, 2018. At that time, the Pope actually accepted the request by saying, “If you invite me officially, I can go.“ In this interview, when Ambassador Lee said “I hope you would visit North Korea and bless the residents there,” the Pope responded positively by saying, “I still have the same thought. I want to go.”


North Korea deviated from the early religious oppression and went through major change in the 1980s. Catholics in North Korea have also held religious events for 30 years since the establishment of “Jangchung Cathedral”. South Korean priests visited North Korea in 2015, and held a joint mass. It is said that ‘Sunday celebrations without priest’ is still held every Sunday in North Korea. The perception and mood of North Korea government have changed.


If Pope Francisco visits North Korea, he could heal the wounds of painful history in the past. There are many soldiers of Allied Army who died in North Korea during Korean War. Moreover, unlike the German division, the Korean peninsula keeps deep wounds made by Korean war between same Koreans engaged in a fratricidal battle. The religious leader has to heal the wound at the very first.


Above all, Pope’s visit would have great significance as a mediator who can break the diplomatic deadlock between North Korea and U.S. In the United States, the term of a new president began. Pope’s visit to North Korea could become merciful hand to U.S. which wants to relieve the heavy burden of the “global police”. North Korea which is passing through a difficult period of COVID-19 in economic blockade would receive grateful benefits from Pope’s visit. Moreover, Pope’s visit would impact China as a pillar of Asia to help North Korea’s reform policy. Russia which expects stability and economic cooperation in Korean peninsula would also benefit from Pope’s visit to North Korea.


I imagine a beautiful scenario. In one autumnal day when COVID-19 was controlled, Pope visits Pyongyang and consoles Catholic victims who died of Corona. And Pope gets conversation with Chairman Kim Jong-un who made a wonderful decision for peace in Korean peninsula. Afterward Pope holds hand with leader of North Korea and crosses ‘Foot Bridge’. Pope smiles and meets President Moon who is waiting at military demarcation line. Then Pope and President Moon go to Seoul together. Pope’s visit inspires China as well. Finally Dalai Lama travels to Beijing, Pyongyang, and Seoul in order to meet people living in this troublesome region.


Lee Won-young(The director of Pilgrimage of the New Silk Road for Life and No-Nukes)


Original Article >>

(translated by LEE Sanghoon)




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