
[미국10월행진 설명자료]핵오염수STOP세계시민행진(GLOMA)

작성자상생21|작성시간24.09.10|조회수349 목록 댓글 0


Information about the Global Citizen March to Stop Nuclear Wastewater (GLOMA) US October March


Lee Won-young(GLOMA executive committee member of Korea)


Oct. 5(Set.) 1:30pm
Consulate General of Japan~  Little Tokyou~ LA City Hall~ Consulate General of Japan

round trip 1.8 miles

Washington D.C.

On October 7(Mon.) 2pm
Japanese Embassy~ Dupont Circle Downtown~ White House

1.8 miles

저는 오랫동안 탈원전운동을 해오다가 작년에는 서울에서 도쿄까지 다음과 같이 핵폐수STOP행진을 해왔습니다.


I have been campaigning to phase out nuclear power for a long time, and last year I held a march to stop nuclear wastewater from Seoul to Tokyo as follows.


[후쿠시마 오염수 방류 반대 1,600km를 걸어서] 1. 일본 국회에 전한 것은

[Walking 1,600km to oppose the discharge of contaminated water from Fukushima] 1. What was delivered to the Japanese National Assembly


[후쿠시마 오염수 방류 반대 1,600km를 걸어서] 2. 서울을 출발하다

[Walking 1,600km to oppose the discharge of contaminated water from Fukushima] 2. Departing from Seoul


그리고 올해 6월 나고야와 오사카에서 세계시민행진을 잘 치른데 이어,


And following the successful Global Citizen March in Nagoya and Osaka in June of this year,


7월에는 뉴욕에서도 행진을 한 바가 있습니다.

There was also a march in New York in July.


뉴욕맨해튼을 행진하면서 외친 핵폐수투기STOP ! < - 한겨레:온


Stop nuclear wastewater dumping shouted while marching through Manhattan, New York! < - Hankyoreh:On 


핵폐수와 관련되는
팩트체크 정보 소식을 공유하면


If you share fact-checked news related to nuclear wastewater,

후쿠시마 핵폐수투기 보도에 대한 팩트체크 < 민들레 들판 < 기사본문 - 세상을 바꾸는 시민언론 민들레 (
생명탈핵실크로드 | Fact-checking Fukushima Nuclear Wastewater Dumping Reports [민들레기사 영문] - Daum 카페

In Japanese Diet 2023-09-11   Korean and Japanese citizens delivered their massage.

Professor Shorin Kihara points out 


Japanese government is now releasing in order to use it as a precedent to justify the larger-scale discharge of Rokasho's nuclear wastewater.”(2024-06-08, in Kyoto)


Where is the U.S. headed now?

Diagnosing the nature of Biden's acceptance of nuclear wastewater ocean discharge.


Professor Shorin Kihara's remarks 

Japanese government is now releasing in order to use it as a precedent to justify the larger-scale of Rokasho's nuclear wastewater discharge.”


Professor Emeritus Seo Kyun-yeol's keynote lecture and talk show

Reinforcement of U.S.-China-Russia nuclear warheads and Japan’s release of nuclear wastewater -- What is Korea’s and the world’s response strategy? --


⇒ The movement to stop nuclear wastewater is a movement to phase out nuclear power and is at the forefront of the movement to reduce nuclear weapons.



그리하여 작년에 이어 올해 6월에는

일본교토에서 핵오염수STOP행진을 100여명의 시민들과 함께 하고

오사카의 탈원전집회에도 참가하여 천여명의 일본시민들과 함께 행진했습니다.

So, following last year, in June of this year

In Kyoto, Japan, we held a march to stop nuclear wasterwater with about 100 citizen’s.

I also participated in the nuclear phase-out rally in Osaka and marched with over a thousand Japanese citizen's.


Korean and Japanese citizen's in front of Kyoto City Hall.

News of the Kyoto march published on Chinese poral BAIDU(2024-06-10)

일본에서의 행진 소식을 중국 최대 포털인 바이두에서 큰 뉴스로 다뤘습니다.

The news of the march in Japan was covered as big news on Baidu, China's largest portal.


그런 연후 7월6일에는 뉴욕에서 한인동포를 위주로 한 시민들과 함께 맨해튼 시가지를 약3.5km를 행진하였습니다. 이때 일본총영사관을 출발하여 유엔본부앞에 가서도 시위를 하였습니다.

Then, on July 6th, in New York, citizens, mainly Korean Americans, marched about 3.5km through downtown Manhattan. At this time, they left the Japanese Consulate General and went to the UN headquarters to protest.


이원영의 GLOMA홍보 영상입니다.

This is Lee Won-young’s GLOMA promotional video.

미주한인우리세상 유튜브방송과 인터뷰한 것을 요약한 영상입니다.

This is a video summarizing an interview on the Korean-American Our World YouTube broadcast.


그리고 아래는 한인동포들의 평소 행진모습까지 담은 홍보영상입니다.

And below is a promotional video that includes the usual parade of Korean-Americans.

GLObal citizen MArch to stop nuclear wastewater(GLOMA) Promotional video(4min. English subtitles) (

영어로  된 홍보영상입니다.

This is a promotional video in English

추미애의원의 응원영상입니다.

This is a cheering video from Rep. Choo Mi-ae.


그리고 아래 사이트는 뉴욕에서의 행진기록과 자료들을 소개하고 있습니다.

And the site below introduces records and materials of marches in New York.

March records and data files in New York

그리하여 미국대통령선거을 앞두고 오는 10월초에 미국에서도 행진하기를 희망하고 있습니다. 이번에는 LA와 워싱턴DC 두곳에서 할 수 있다면 좋겠다고 생각합니다.

이에 대한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

Therefore, we hope to march in the U.S. in early October ahead of the U.S. presidential election. I think it would be great if we could do it in both LA and Washington DC this time. The explanation for this is as follows:



행진일시와 방식등을 나타낸 자료는 다음과 같습니다.


Data showing the date and method of the march are as follows.

STOP Nuclear Wastewater Global Citizen Declaration

국문(Korean) 일문(Japanese)



Thanks you.

현재 게시글 추가 기능 열기


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