영어책 활용

Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret | 안녕하세요, 하느님? 저 마거릿이에요 -Judy Blume - 주디 블룸

작성자영어책달인|작성시간12.04.12|조회수194 목록 댓글 0

Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret | 안녕하세요, 하느님? 저 마거릿이에요 -Judy Blume - 주디 블룸, 챕터북, 리더스북, ELT, 스콜라스틱, 초등영어책, 어린이영어, 영어전문서점, 에버북스,

Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret by Judy Blume


본문 내용

이제 막 사춘기로 접어든 마거릿은 갑작스럽게 뉴욕 교외에 있는 뉴저지로 이사를 하게 된다. 하루에 열두 번도 더 오락가락하는

마거릿은 보통 사춘기 소녀들이 고민하는 문제들과 함께 새로운 학교에 적응해야 하는 문제까지 짊어지고 씩씩하게 길을 나선다.

사춘기 소녀답게 마거릿은 몸에 대해 관심이 많다. 도대체 왜 친구들보다 난 가슴이 작은 걸까? 생리는 왜 시작하지 않는 걸까?

내 왕자님은 어디에 있을까? 마거릿은 시시콜콜한 고민을 저 먼 곳에 계신 하느님께 이야기한다. 하지만, 하느님은 마거릿의

고민에는 별 관심이 없으신가 보다.
여자 아이들 사이의 갈등도 사실적으로 그리고 있다. 항상 함께 해야 하고, 그룹 안에서 튀는 행동을 했을 때 따돌리거나 무시하는

여자 아이 특유의 잔인성도 여과없이 그리고 있다. 가볍고 경쾌하지만, 성장하면서 부딪치는 문제들이 모두 담겨 있다.



1. What city did Margaret move to?

a. Tallstream
b. Farbrook
c. Closeriver
d. Detroit


2. Why does Margaret have no religion?

a. Because her parents didn't bother to give her a religion
b. Because her mother was Christian and her father was Jewish,but neither of her grandparents accepted her mother and father
c. Because she didn't want to be any religion
d. Because her parents thought religion was bad


3. On the first day that Margaret is living in New Jersey who comes to the door to see Margaret?

a. Nancy
b. Janie
c. Gretchen
d. Mary


4. What does Nancy tell Margaret to wear on the first day of school?

a. A dress with frills
b. Oxfords with no socks
c. Overalls
d. Sandals


5. Who is in the secret club?

a. Margaret, Sarah, Camille and Janine
b. Margaret, Gretchen, Janie and Laura
c. Margaret, Kristen, Caitlyn and Cory
d. Nancy, Margaret, Gretchen and Janie


6. What do all the members of the club want to get?

a. A bigger chest and their period
b. A bra and an older sister
c. A bicycle and a new set of markers
d. A mom who is a writer and a mechanical pencil


7. What do the members of the club do to increase their bust size?

a. Sleep in a certain way
b. Do an exercise
c. Wear a bra
d. Wear a tank top underneath their clothes


8. Which of the following girls gets her period first?

a. Janie
b. Nancy
c. Gretchen
d. Margaret


9. What was Gretchen's rule in the secret club?

a. They had to promise to always love animals
b. They had to bring a dollar to every meeting
c. When the girls got their periods they had to tell the rest of the girls what it felt like
d. They had to bring a snack to every meeting


10. What was Nancy's rule in the secret club?

a. They all had to tell each other if they wore a bra
b. They all had to bring pads
c. They all had to wear bras
d. They all had to wear pads


11. What was their teacher's name?

a. Ms. Johnson
b. Mr. Felthouse
c. Mr. Miles. J. Benidict Jr.
d. Mrs. Green


12. What did their teacher make them do?

a. A report on classical music
b. Ballroom dancing
c. A year long report on something that was meaningful to each of them
d. A report on the life of the elephant


13. What company showed a film and talked to the girls about getting their periods?

a. Teenage Softies
b. Stayfree
c. Kotex
d. Private Lady


14. What kind of sanitary napkins did Gretchen use?

a. Private Lady
b. Kotex
c. Teenage Softies
d. Carefree


15. On the sweaters her grandmother made for her, what did it say on the labels?

a. "Made for you by Grandma"
b. "Made by me for you"
c. "Hope you enjoy this sweater"
d. "Made expressly for you by Grandma"




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