[토익] RC 자료

토익 Part별 어휘/표현 정리 ③ Part 3

작성자비개인오후|작성시간10.07.26|조회수54 목록 댓글 1

< Part 3>


1. miss 놓치다 (비교) miss the class 수업을 빠지다
You don't want to miss out the flight?

2. run out of A A 가 다 떨어지고 남은게 없다 = be out of = used up
My printer just went out of paper this morning.

3. cannot wait to 동사원형 ~ 하길 정말 학수고대하다
I can't wait to go. = I can hardly wait to go. = I'm looking forward to going.

4. Have you applied for that job we've talked about? 그 일자리에 지원하다

5. They want to get the contract ahead of time. 예정보다 미리 계약서를 받고 싶어한다.

6. make sure ~ ~을 분명히 해두다 take care of = handle = manage 처리하다
I'll make sure to take care of that.

7. so that 주어 + 동사 ~ 하기 위해서 I rearranged my schedule so that I could go.

8. a repair person 기술자
I called a technician to schedule a repair appointment

9. Will you move in on Friday? 이사들어가다 (= move into ↔ move out of)

10. I am trying to locate the folder. (locate = find) 난 폴더를 찾으려고 애쓰고 있다.

11. He won't be back until next Thursday. 목요일이 되서야 온다.

12. pick up (= get) 가져가다
I was planning on picking them up in the warehouse tomorrow.

13. Relocation 재배치 (사람에게는 전근의 뜻, relocate office 사무실이전)
I should call the company's relocation office because
I'm being transferred to the New York office.

14. He'll be out the rest of the day. 그는 오늘 남은 시간동안 외근 나가 있을 것이다.

15. He is leading the new project. 그는 새로운 계획을 통솔할 것이다.

16. expedite 신속히 처리하다, 급송하다
expedite the shipment 배송을 빨리 하다

17. He'll be relocated to New York Branch office. 그는 뉴욕으로 전근될 것이다. (= transfer)
(비교) relocate our branch office 사무실 이전
move = change location

18. open up a savings account 저축 계좌를 개설하다


19. photo identification 사진이 있는 신분증 (A driver's license 운전면허증)


20. fill out this application form 신청서를 작성하다 (Complete a form 양식을 채우다)


21. make a note 노트필기하다 (Write down some information 정보를 받아 적다)


22. set up the projector in the conference room 회의실에 프로젝터를 설치하다


23. she can not find a chart 차트를 찾을 수가 없다


24. confirm‎!! the order 주문을 확인하다


25. talk about scheduling the interview appointments 인터뷰 약속 일정에 대해 이야기 하다
(coordinating some schedules 몇몇 일정을 조정하다)

26. automated assembly line 자동 조립 라인


27. provide a cost estimate 비용 견적서를 제공하다


28. deliver some documents 몇몇 서류를 배송하다

29. book (=reserve) 예약하다
What is the earliest flight you can book me in?

30. check-up 정기검진
I'm calling to reschedule my appointment for a check-up at 4 o'clock this afternoon.

31. replace (=change) 교체하다
I'm still working on replacing that door over in the accounting office.

32. install (=put up) 설치하다
I'd like to have some curtains installed in my house.

33. job opening (=job vacancy) 일자리
We have a few job openings.


34. conduct interview 인터뷰하다
We'd like to conduct interviews at the job fair next month.


35. editorial assistant 편집보조
I'm calling about the advertisement on today's newspaper for an editorial assistant.


36. overdue 기한이 지난
I think these books are overdue.


37.check out a book 책을 대출하다
I'd like to check out this book.

38. push back (delay, postpone) 연기하다
He pushed back the deadline to Friday.

39. specialize in (=major in) 특화하다, 전문화하다
We're going to specialize in custom-made athletic shoes.

40. exhibit (=exhibition) 전시회
How long will the exhibit be in town?

41. the landscape designer 조경설계사
We should start thinking about hiring the landscape designer by next month.

42. be jammed in (=be stuck in, be caught in) ~에 걸려있다, ~에 끼어있다
paper is jammed in the copier.

43. purchase order number 구매번호
I just need your purchase order number?

44. expenses 경비
I think we need to limit our travel expenses.

45. cut coast 비용을 절감하다
I'd like to discuss some ways we could cut costs coming year.

46. account number 계좌번호
If you give me your account number I can find what's wrong.

47. accounting 회계부
It would be hard to switch from accounting to marketing.

48. drop sth off 떨궈두다
I'm going to drop this shirt off at the laundromat for you.

49. get to 도착하다, 오다, 가다 How will you get to the hotel?

50. the shift 근무시간 When is the shift scheduled to end?

51. invoice 명세기입 청구서 Where are the invoices from last February?

52. weather forecast 일기예보 What's the weather forecast for tomorrow?

53. training session 훈련수업 Which part of the training session was most helpful?

54. go over 검토하다 Should I go over my report with Ms. Kerry before presenting it?

55. projected budget 예산 What's the projected budget for the trip to New York?

56. customer service 고객서비스 I've been trying to reach customer service all morning?

57. have a big sale 대할인을 하다 I heard the book store is having a big sale.

58. run out of 떨어지다 Have we run out of folders?

59. the board meeting 이사회 Do you know who took notes at the board meeting?

60. leave a message 메시지를 남기다 Why don't you leave me a message if I'm not in.

61. patio 노천카페 Would you like a table inside or on the patio?

62. mind 싫다, 꺼리다 Do you mind if I open the window? - Not at all.

63. overseas 해외에(서) Jerry has lived overseas before, hasn't he?

64. get his signature on this contract 계약서에 그의 사인을 받다

65. it’s urgent. 급하게 필요하다

66. You should call ahead to make sure he’s here. * call ahead; 미리 전화하다

67. make sure 확실히 하다

68. 2 miles away from the conference site. 컨퍼런스 장소에서 2마일 떨어진 곳에

69. so you can call them 너가 그들에게 전화하기 위해서 *so that 주어 + 동사; ~ 하기 위해서

70. I’m here to pick up the cake. *pick up (=get) 케익을 가지러 왔어요

71. make an excellent choice. 탁월한 선택을 하다

72. My coworker was just promoted to a senior vice- president. 직장동료가 부사장으로 승진되었다

73. he won’t be here this afternoon. 오늘 오후에 여기 없을 것이다

74. the connecting flight was delayed 연결행 비행기가 지연되었다

75. He won’t get back until this evening. 오늘 저녁까지 돌아오지 못할 것이다(=come back)

76. But I won’t be able to get to it for about an hour. * get to ~; ~ 에 착수하다
한 시간동안 그것을 작업하는 것에 들어갈 수 없다

77. It was on new trends in advertising. 광고에 관한 새로운 흐름, 사조

78. She’s really well organized. 철저한, 계획적인

79. What sort of things did she talk about? 어떤 종류의 것 * sort of = kind of

80. boarding pass 탑승권

81. if you are willing to wait until 6 :30. 6시 30분까지 기다릴 의향이 있다면

82. at the latest 늦어도

83. we’ll need to hire additional staff. 추가의 직원을 고용할 필요가 있다

84. That department is so understaffed. 그 부서는 일손이 많이 모자른다

85. missed any publication deadline. 마감날에 맞추지 못하다  meet the deadline


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