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[토익/TOEIC] 8월토익시험을 위한 토익문법

작성자headache|작성시간10.08.09|조회수66 목록 댓글 2

8월토익시험을 위한 토익문법

토익문법-무적 V-1 공식


기본적으로 접속사가 필요한 문장에는 동사의 개수보다 반드시 1개 적게 접속사가 존재해야 한다. 예를 들면 동사가 5개면 전치사는 당연히 4개여야 한다. 이 공식은 Part A를 푸는데 두루 쓰이는 공식으로써 앞으로 V-1 이라 쓸 것이다.



              often considered both a science and an art.

(A) Navigation is

(B) It is navigation

(C) Navigation, which is

(D) Navigation that is
 (A) 정답

(B) often considered 앞에 which is 가 생략된 형태로 본다 해도 It이 지칭하는 대상이 없다.

(C) which라는 접속사가 있으나, 동사는 is considered 한 개만 있으므로 공식에 위배된다.

(D) (C)과 같은 모순.




<실전 문제>


1. Based on her studies of contrasting patterns of culture, Margaret Mead years ago came to the conclusion             extremely malleable.

(A) is human nature which   (B) which is that human nature 

(C) is human nature         (D) that human nature is


2. Farmers grow popcorn in much the same way             field corn, except that the rows are planted closer together.

(A) that they grow   (B) that grow   (C) they grow it   (D) do they grow


3.             on water depends on the density of the both the object and the water.

(A) An object floats     (B) Whether an object floats

(C) Does an object float  (D) So an object floats


4. Fencing had been an acute problem in the West until Joseph Glidden ,             , invented steel barbed wire in 1873.

(A) an Illinois farmer         (B) he is an Illinois farmer

(C) being an Illinois farmer    (D) an Illinois darmer he is


5. A lunar eclipse             the earth passes between the sun and the moon, causing the moon to become dark.

(A) occurs   (B) that occurs   (C) which occurs   (D) occurs when


6.             a bicameral, or two-chamber, parliament.

(A) Canada has   (B) Having Canada   (C) Because Canada   (D) That Canada is having


7. Ducks have been domesticated formany centuries             commercially for their meat and eggs.

(A) raised   (B) and are raised   (C) raised as   (D) are raised 






8월토익시험을 위한 문법 실전문제 풀이


실전 문제 풀이


1. Based on her studies of contrasting patterns of culture, Margaret Mead years ago came to the conclusion             extremely malleable.

(A) is human nature which   (B) which is that human nature 

(C) is human nature           (D) that human nature is


=>(B), (C)는 V-1 공식 위배. (A)는 conclusion을 수식하는 종속절이 요구된다.



2. Farmers grow popcorn in much the same way             field corn, except that the rows are planted closer together.

(A) that they grow   (B) that grow   (C) they grow it   (D) do they grow


=>V-1 공식에 의해 (C), (D)는 제낄 수 있다. 만약 종속절의 주어가 없다면 the same way가 의미상의 주어라는 오해가 생긴다.



3.             on water depends on the density of the both the object and the water.

(A) An object floats        (B) Whether an object floats

(C) Does an object float  (D) So an object floats


=>V-1 공식에 의해서 다른 (A), (B), (C)는 답이 될 수 없다.



4. Fencing had been an acute problem in the West until Joseph Glidden ,             , invented steel barbed wire in 1873.

(A) an Illinois farmer            (B) he is an Illinois farmer

(C) being an Illinois farmer    (D) an Illinois darmer he is


=>V-1 공식에 의해서 (B), (D)를 제거할 수 있다. 또 문장은 동격을 요구하므로 (A)만이 답이 된다.



5. A lunar eclipse             the earth passes between the sun and the moon, causing the moon to become dark.

(A) occurs   (B) that occurs   (C) which occurs   (D) occurs when


=>(A)는 V-1 공식에 어긋나며, 주어 a lunar eclipse는 동사를 필요하므로 (B), (C)는 답이 될 수 없다.



6.             a bicameral, or two-chamber, parliament.

(A) Canada has   (B) Having Canada   (C) Because Canada   (D) That Canada is having


=>V-1 공식에 의해서 (C), (D)는 부적합하며, 문장의 주어와 동사가 없기 때문에 (B)도 부적합하다.



7. Ducks have been domesticated formany centuries             commercially for their meat and eggs.

(A) raised   (B) and are raised   (C) raised as   (D) are raised


=>V-1 공식에 의해서 (A), (C), (D)는 답이 될 수 없다. 등위접속사 and로 연결될 때는 have been ... and are ...는 하나의 동사로 본다. 



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