[토익] RC 자료

[토익] 한정사와 명사의 결합 방식 정리편

작성자미깡걸|작성시간10.08.11|조회수86 목록 댓글 1

명사의 분류

한정사의 종류

가산 명사

(항상 단수형)



(무관사)   accounts advice
부정관사 an account
정관사 the account the accounts the advice
소유격 my/your/their account my/your/their accounts my/your/their advice
지시 형용사 this/that account these/those accounts this/that advice
수량 형용사 Ⅰ every/each account
either/neither account
수량 형용사 Ⅱ any account any accounts any advice
no account no accounts no advice
all(the) accounts all(the) advice
some accounts some advice
many accounts much advice
(a) few accounts (a) little advice
several accounts
a lot of accounts a lot of advice
a number of accounts a great deal of advice
의문 형용사 which account which accounts which advice
whose account whose accounts whose advice
수사 one account two/three accounts

현재 게시글 추가 기능 열기


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