음성확인서 제시가 필요한데 어기고 안한 분도 39명이나 나왔다고 하네요.

작성자Dubliner|작성시간21.01.29|조회수12 목록 댓글 0

엊그제 아일랜드 공항으로 도착한 수가 800명인데 그중의 반정도가 아일랜드 국민으로, 나라에서 그렇게 여행을 자제해달라고 부탁했음에도 불구하고 휴가를 보내고 왔다네여.


이제는 음성확인서 제시가 필요한데 어기고 안한 분도 39명이나 나왔다고 하네요. 물론 법적 조취 받는다고 하니. 다함께 노력해야 할 시기가 아닌가 합니다.


Around one-third of passengers arriving at Dublin Airport returning from holiday



THU, 28 JAN, 2021 - 18:06



Approximately a third of people who have arrived at Dublin Airport over the past two days have been coming back from a holiday.

New Department of Justice figures also show 39 passengers have arrived in the country since Monday without a negative Covid test.

Anyone arriving at ports and airports is now legally required to produce a negative PCR test for Covid-19 upon arrival.

The punishment for those who do not is a fine of up to €2,500 or up to six months in prison.

New figures show that between Monday and Wednesday this week, just over 4,500 people arrived at Dublin Airport and 28 failed to produce a negative test result.


According to the Department of Justice, there were 11 further breaches at other ports of entry.

The figures also show that of the 2,000 arrivals at Dublin Airport on Tuesday and Wednesday, around a third were coming back from a holiday.


That is despite the strong advice from government and health officials to avoid non-essential travel.

The department says the vast majority of passengers are complying with the rules and that Gardaí will send files to the Director of Public Prosecutions for those who are not.

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