Ireland 해외입국자 2주 자가숙소 경찰이 직접 확인 ----백신만 맞으면 자가격리는 안해도 된다는, 레드리스트만 제외한,

작성자Dubliner|작성시간21.02.05|조회수56 목록 댓글 2

Gardaí able to check mandatory quarantine after travel
New regulations have come into force that empower gardaí to call to the homes of people who have arrived from international travel and ensure that they are abiding by mandatory quarantine rules.
Passengers who arrive from any destination must quarantine for 14 days at the address specified on their Passenger Locator Form. The penalties for non-compliance are a fine of up to €2,500 or six months in prison, or both.
"The clear Government and public health advice is that everybody should avoid non-essential travel completely," Minister Stephen Donnelly said.
The regulations allow for limited exemptions from quarantine for essential reasons where strictly necessary. Those exempted are expected to follow quarantine at all other times.
Exemptions include workers for repair and maintenance of critical infrastructure.
"Our public health advice is that people subjected to mandatory quarantine should self-isolate within their homes to assist in protecting those around them," Mr Donnelly said.
"Further work on additional legislation to implement mandatory quarantine at a designated facility for those arriving from countries with variants of concern, such as Brazil and South Africa is being progressed and will be implemented as soon as possible," he added.
As Minister for Health, Mr Donnelly will also have the power to designate countries from which travel represents a public health risk due to the presence of variants of concern and which will have additional travel restrictions on arrivals.
There are no exemptions to break quarantine for arrivals from these "category 2" states, except for emergency reasons such as unavoidable, imperative and time-sensitive medical reasons.

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