
'Dublin riot reinforces need for early vaccination of gardaí' 경찰이 먼저 백신을

작성자Dubliner|작성시간21.03.02|조회수13 목록 댓글 2

며칠전 더블린 시내에서 코비드 팬데믹 1주년을 맞아 거리에 많은 사람들이 Anti-Lockdown 슬로건 아래 행진을 하였는데 조용히 평화롭게 진행되었던 거리 행진이 갑자기 경찰은 향한 화약들이 발생하면서 경찰 3명이 다치고 23명이 현장에서 체포되는 안타까운 일이 발생을 했다.


저 행진에 참가한 모든 사람들의 대부분이 마스크를 하나도 착용을 안했으니 앞으로의 일이 또 걱정되는것도 사실이다. 한국도 여기도 누군가는 계속 지키려 애를 쓰고 있으나 또 어떤 누군가는 끊임없이 도발을 하고 있으니 제발 구멍난 독에 물채우는 격이 아니었음 하는 바램이다.


이 이유로 일각에서는 경찰들이 먼저 백신을 맞아야 한다는 소리가 나오고 있으니 당연한게 아닌가 싶다. 현장에서 많고 많은 사건들로 직접 뛰고 있으니 그들이 앞서서 빨리 백신을 먼저 맞아야 된다는 생각엔 전적으로 동감한다.


'Dublin riot reinforces need for early vaccination of gardaí' - GRAIRELAND

A group of Anti-Lockdown protesters clash with Gardai (Irish Police) in Grafton Street, Dublin, during Level 5 Covid-19 lockdown. On Saturday, Fabruary 27, 2021, in Dublin, Ireland. (Photo by Artur Widak/NurPhoto)


28/02/2021 | 19:07 PMJAMES COX


The Garda Representative Association (GRA) believes Saturday’s “rioting in Dublin reinforces the need for early vaccination of gardaí”.

Three Garda members were injured during the anti-lockdown protest, with one treated in hospital.

The gathering became violent as members of An Garda Síochána were targeted with fireworks, missiles and spit.

Damien McCarthy who represents the DMR South Central Division, where many of the gardaí on duty on Saturday are based, said the incidents highlighted the multitude of dangers faced by gardaí policing the Covid restrictions.

Garda McCarthy said: “It is clear that a certain element turned up at the demonstration to inflict harm on gardaí.

“Our priority is the health and welfare of members and our immediate concern is that those injured on Saturday make a full recovery and receive all the support they need.


“There were at least a dozen gardaí who sustained injuries as result of missiles thrown, and one member was hospitalised and will be undergoing surgery later this week."

Members of Garda (Irish Police) clash with protesters during Anti-Lockdown protest on Grafton Street in Dublin city center during Level 5 Covid-19 lockdown. On Saturday, Fabruary 27, 2021, in Dublin, Ireland. (Photo by Artur Widak/NurPhoto)


Garda officer seen during Anti-Lockdown protest on Grafton Street, Dublin, during Level 5 Covid-19 lockdown. On Saturday, Fabruary 27, 2021, in Dublin, Ireland. (Photo by Artur Widak/NurPhoto)


“These engagements meant our members came in close contact with numerous people who refuse to follow public health advice and are therefore more likely to have the virus.


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