
아일랜드에서 코로나 확진이 되었거나 밀접접촉자의 경우일때는...

작성자Dubliner|작성시간22.01.14|조회수53 목록 댓글 0

Mr Donnelly said that for a period of 10 days (including the seven days self-isolation or restricted movements) all Covid cases and close contacts are advised to: 10일간의 자가격리와 이동의 제한이 있게 되는데


  • limit close contact with other people outside their household, especially in crowded, enclosed or poorly ventilated spaces 사람이 많은 곳이나 환기가 안되는 장소나 다른 집 방문을 최소화하고
  • wear an appropriate face mask/face covering in crowded, enclosed or poorly ventilated spaces and where they are in close contact with other people 적합한 마스크를 착용할 것이며
  • take an antigen test before entering crowded, enclosed or poorly ventilated spaces and prior to having close contact with other people from outside their household  안티젠 테스트를 자주 사용하여 외부인들과 환기가 안되는 좁은 장소나 사람들 많은곳을 피하고

  • avoid contact with anyone who is at higher risk of severe illness if infected with Covid-19증상이 심한 확진자와는 접촉을 피하고

  • work from home unless it is essential to attend in person중요한 일이 아닌경우를 제외하곤 집에서 일을 하고

  • follow all public health protective measures 정부방침의 공중안전법규를 따르고

The period of restricted movements for close contacts applies from the date of the last contact with a positive case if known or, if not, from date of notification as a contact.

Last month, the Northern Ireland Executive agreed to reduce the isolation period from 10 to seven days if people could provide a negative lateral flow test.

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