1월, PCR테스트 지참없이 아일랜드공항에 도착하여 총 300명이 벌금을 맞다

작성자Dubliner|작성시간21.02.03|조회수13 목록 댓글 0

Nearly 300 people fined €100 each at Dublin Airport in last days of January.

Additionally, over 300 people arrived to Ireland without a valid PCR test last month.


NEARLY 300 PEOPLE were fined at Dublin Airport for leaving the country for non-essential travel in the last days of the month.


Gardaí fined 280 people at the airport between 28 and 31 January, with each given a fine of €100.

Additionally, since 9 January, over 300 people have arrived into Ireland without a valid PCR test, including four on Sunday.

Gardaí are sending files to the Director of Public Prosecutions in each case.

More than 3,500 fines have been issued in total for breaches of Covid-19 regulations, with 2,100 fines for travelling without a reasonable excuse. 


In the last days of January, gardaí attended to breaches by licensed premises, restaurants, retail outlets, hair and beauty salons, and other businesses.

Gardaí are also investigating breaches associated with funerals and weddings, which are only allowed a maximum of ten and six in attendance respectively under the current restrictions.

Deputy Commissioner of Policing and Security John Twomey said that most of the public are following health regulations.

“In doing so, they are protecting themselves and others,” Twomey said.

“However, some people continue to engage in behaviour that puts themselves, their loved ones, their colleagues and their neighbours at risk of catching Covid-19,” he said.


“At this stage, no-one can say they aren’t fully aware of the public health advice and the potential dangers – including death and serious illness – of not following that advice.

“People need to stay home. Only make essential journeys. Limit social contacts. Practice social distancing and wash their hands.”

From today, travelling to an airport to leave the country without a valid reason has been made a specific offence.

Gardaí will be able to fine people in breach of the restriction by €500.

The offence was introduced under the provisions of the emergency Covid-19 measures passed in the Dáil last year.

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