야생화 팀


작성자상수리나무|작성시간12.11.25|조회수799 목록 댓글 0

ファイル:Cardamine flexuosa eF.jpg


학명:Cardamine flexuosa With.


일명:クネツケバナ(種漬花 ; Tane-tsuke- bana 담글 지)

영명 : Bitter cress

황새냉이는 논이나 물가에 자라는 냉이종류로 십자화과의 식물들과 마찬가지로 월년초입니다.

가느다랗고 긴 열매 모양이 황새의 목처럼 길다하여 붙여진 이름같습니다.

줄기는 뿌리에서 갈라지고 마른 곳에서 자란 것은 아랫부분이 약간 갈색을 띠며 털이 많으나, 습지나 음지에서 자란것은 녹색이고 털이 없습니다.

황새냉이속의 속명 Cardamine은 식용으로 하는 논냉이의 일종인 그리스명으로 Cardamon에서 유래되었다힙니다.

종소명 flexuosa는 '물결모양의', '꾸불꾸불한', '구부러진' 등의 형용사로 열매가 익으면 2조각이 뒤로 말리고 종자가 튀어 나오는데 이러한 모양을 보고붙인 이름인듯합니다.

황새냉이를 일본에서는 種漬花(クネツケバナ : 종지화)라 부르는데 논이나 물가에서 주로 자라는 이 식물이 꽃을 피울 때 쯤이면 논의 심을 볍씨를 담근그고 못자라 준비를 한다하여 붙여진 이름이랍니다. 

영명은 쓴다닥냉이(Bittercress)입니다.

다닥냉이속은 전 세계적으로 150여 종이나 있을 정도로 큰 속에 속하며 우리나라에도 23종이나 되고 재배품종도 1종이 있습니다.

사진출처 :


꽃황새냉이 Cardamine amaraeformis Nakai 

애기황새냉이 Cardamine manshurica (Kom.) Nakai 

큰황새냉이 Cardamine scutata Thunb. 

꼬마냉이  Cardamine tanaka Franch. & Sav. 

논냉이 Cardamine lyrata Bunge 

만주논냉이 Cardamine regeliana var. manshurica Kitag. 

는쟁이냉이  Cardamine komarovii Nakai 

큰는쟁이냉이 Cardamine komarovii f. macrophylla (T.H.Chung) W.T.Lee 

두메냉이 Cardamine changbaiana Al-Shehbaz 

미나리냉이 Cardamine leucantha (Tausch) O.E.Schulz 

좁은잎미나리냉이 Cardamine schulziana Baehni 

통영미나리냉이 Cardamine leucantha var. toensis (Nakai) T.B.Lee (비합법명) 

벌깨냉이 Cardamine glechomifolia H.Lev. 

산냉이 Cardamine prorepens Fisch. ex DC. 

싸리냉이 Cardamine impatiens L. 

섬싸리냉이 Cardamine impatiens var. obutusifolia (Knaf) O.E.Schulz 

제주싸리냉이 Cardamine impatiens var. fumariae Lev. 

털싸리냉이 Cardamine impatiens var. eriocarpa DC. 

애기냉이 Cardamine bellidifolia L. 

왜갓냉이 Cardamine yezoensis Maxim. 

좀냉이Cardamine parviflora L. 

좁쌀냉이 Cardamine fallax L. 

참고추냉이 Cardamine koreana (Nakai) Nakai 

[재배품종]프라텐시스냉이 Cardamine pratensis L. 

자료출처 : 국가표준식물목록


황새냉이속의 식물들로 다음과 같이 여러 종이 전세계에 분포합니다.

  • Cardamine africana
  • Cardamine amara - Large Bittercress
  • Cardamine amporitana
  • Cardamine angulata - Seaside Bittercress, Angled Bittercress
  • Cardamine angustata - Slender Toothwort
  • Cardamine bellidifolia - Alpine Bittercress, Alpine Cress
  • Cardamine bilobata
  • Cardamine breweri
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    - Brewer's Bittercress
  • Cardamine bulbifera - Coralroot
  • Cardamine bulbosa
    Cardamine bulbosa
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    - Bulbous Bittercress, Spring Cress
  • Cardamine caldeirarum - Azorean Bittercress
  • Cardamine californica
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    - Milkmaids
  • Cardamine changbaiana
  • Cardamine chenopodiifolia
  • Cardamine clematitis - Small Mountain Bittercress
  • Cardamine concatenata
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  • Cardamine cordifolia - Heartleaf Bittercress, Heartleaved Bittercress, Large Mountain Bittercress
  • Cardamine corymbosa
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    - New Zealand Bittercress
  • Cardamine debilis - Roadside Bittercress
  • Cardamine dentata
  • Cardamine digitata
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    - Richardson's Bittercress
  • Cardamine diphylla
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  • Cardamine douglassii - Limestone Bittercress
  • Cardamine enneaphyllos - Drooping Bittercress
  • Cardamine fargesiana
  • Cardamine flagellifera - Blue Ridge Bittercress
  • Cardamine flexuosa
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  • Cardamine gambelii
  • Cardamine glacialis
  • Cardamine gouldii
  • Cardamine gunnii
  • Cardamine gunnii-lilacina
  • Cardamine heptaphylla
  • Cardamine hirsuta
    Cardamine hirsuta
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    - Hairy Bittercress
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  • Cardamine lihengiana
  • Cardamine lilacina
  • Cardamine lojanensis
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  • Cardamine longii - Long's Bittercress
  • Cardamine lyrata
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  • Cardamine matthiola
  • Cardamine maxima - Large Toothwort
  • Cardamine micranthera
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  • Cardamine microphylla - Small-leaf Bittercress
  • Cardamine montelucii
  • Cardamine nuttallii
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    - Nuttall's Toothwort
  • Cardamine nymanii - Lady Smock
  • Cardamine obliqua
  • Cardamine occidentalis
    Cardamine occidentalis
    Cardamine occidentalis is a species of cardamine known by the common name big western bittercress. It is native to western North America from Alaska to northwestern California, where it grows in moist mountain habitats.-Description:...

    - Big Western Bittercress
  • Cardamine oligosperma
    Cardamine oligosperma
    Cardamine oligosperma is a species of cardamine known by the common name little western bittercress. It is native to western North America from Alaska to California to Colorado, where it grows in moist mountain habitats.-Description:...

    - Idaho Bittercress, Little Western Bittercress, Annual Bittercress
  • Cardamine pachystigma
    Cardamine pachystigma
    Cardamine pachystigma is a species of cardamine known by the common name serpentine bittercress. It is endemic to California, where it grows in rocky mountainous areas, often on serpentine and volcanic soils.-Description:...

    - Serpentine Bittercress
  • Cardamine palustris
  • Cardamine parviflora - Sand Bittercress, Small-flowered Bittercress
  • Cardamine pattersonii - Saddle Mountain Bittercress
  • Cardamine paucijuga
  • Cardamine penduliflora - Willamette Valley Bittercress
  • Cardamine pensylvanica
    Cardamine pensylvanica
    Cardamine pensylvanica is a species of cardamine known by the common name Pennsylvania bittercress. It is native to most of Canada and the United States from coast to coast. It is generally found in moist to wet areas, such as the mud on riverbanks...

    - Pennsylvania Bittercress, Quaker Bittercress
  • Cardamine pentaphyllos
    Cardamine pentaphyllos
    Cardamine pentaphyllos , is an ornamental plant in the family Brassicaceae....

  • Cardamine pratensis
    Cardamine pratensis
    Cardamine pratensis , is a flowering plant in the family Brassicaceae, native throughout most of Europe and Western Asia.-Description:...

    - Cuckoo Flower, Ladies Smock, Lady's Smock, Meadow Cress
  • Cardamine pulcherrima - Slender Toothwort
  • Cardamine purpurascens
  • Cardamine purpurea - Purple Bittercress
  • Cardamine regeliana - Japanese Bittercress
  • Cardamine residifolia
  • Cardamine raphanifolia
  • Cardamine rotundifolia - American Bittercress, American watercress, Mountain Watercress
  • Cardamine rupicola - Cliff Bittercress
  • Cardamine scutata - chamsur, Kathmandu,Nepal (Leaves used as vegetable)
  • Cardamine seidlitziana
  • Cardamine tenera
  • Cardamine trichocarpa
  • Cardamine trifoliata
  • Cardamine uliginosa


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