"해외에서 검출된 후쿠시마 제1원전 유래 방사성 물질"

작성자별의정원|작성시간12.12.13|조회수68 목록 댓글 0

"해외에서 검출된 후쿠시마 제1원전 유래 방사성 물질"
여러 나라의 논문 목록입니다. 관련 연구자 분들 활용해주세요. 

■ 미국
T. W. Bowyer, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Elevated radioxenon detected remotely following the Fukushima nuclear accident
大気 [mBq/m3] Xe-131m:1000,Xe-133:41000,Xe-133m:500

E. B. Norman, PLoS ONE

Observations of fallout from the Fukushima reactor accident in San Francisco Bay Area rainwater
雨水 [Bq/L] I-131:16,I-132:1,Cs-134:0.4,Cs-137:0.5,Te-132:1

J. D. Leon, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Arrival time and magnitude of airborne fission products from the Fukushima, Japan, reactor incident as measured in Seattle, WA, USA
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:4.4,I-132:0.79,Cs-134:0.22,Cs-137:0.22,Te-132:0.78

A. Priyadarshi, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Evidence of neutron leakage at the Fukushima nuclear plant from measurements of radioactive 35S in California
大気 [atoms/m3] S-35:1501

S. R. Biegalski, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Analysis of data from sensitive U.S. monitoring stations for the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear reactor accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:30,Xe-133:17000

M. Schoeppner, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Estimation of the time-dependent radioactive source-term from the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident using atmospheric transport modelling
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:約10,Cs-137:約1

S. MacMullin, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Measurement of airborne fission products in Chapel Hill, NC, USA from the Fukushima Dai-ichi reactor accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:4.2,I-132:0.08,Cs-134:0.02,Cs-136:0.026,Cs-137:0.42,Te-132:0.08

P. Thakur, Journal of Environmental Monitoring
Radioactive fallout in the United States due to the Fukushima nuclear plant accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:3.85,Cs-134:0.38,Cs-137:0.45,Te-132:0.24

G. A. Wetherbee, Environmental Science & Technology
Wet deposition of fission-product isotopes to north America from the Fukushima Dai-ichi incident, March 2011
降下物 [Bq/m2] I-131:3300,Cs-134:108,Cs-137:240 (1-2週間分)

■ 캐나다
L. E. Sinclair, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Aerial measurement of radioxenon concentration off the west coast of Vancouver Island following the Fukushima reactor accident
大気 [mBq/m3] Xe-133:70000

W. Zhang, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Development of a new aerosol monitoring system and its application in Fukushima nuclear accident related aerosol radioactivity measurement at the CTBT radionuclide station in Sidney of Canada
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:3.5,I-132:0.58,Cs-134:0.41,Cs-136:0.06,Cs-137:0.40,Te-132:0.74

■ 쿠바
C. M. Alonso-Hernandez, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
Observations of fallout from the Fukushima reactor accident in Cienfuegos, Cuba
降下物 [Bq/m2] I-131:0.135,Cs-137:0.0107 (1日間)

■ 영국
N. A. Beresford, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Observations of Fukushima fallout in Great Britain
草 [Bq/kg] I-131:55,Cs-134:8,Cs-137:20
羊乳 [Bq/kg] I-131:2.3

■ 포르투갈
F. P. Carvalho, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Radioactivity from Fukushima nuclear accident detected in Lisbon, Portugal
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:1.39,Cs-134:0.153,Cs-137:0.139,Te-132:0.066
降下物 [Bq/m2] I-131:0.92,Cs-134:0.591,Cs-137:0.620 (3/11-4/4)

■ 스페인
A. Baeza, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Influence of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident on Spanish environmental radioactivity levels
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:3.08(粒子),8(가스),Cs-134:0.62,Cs-136:0.041,Cs-137:0.69,Te-132:0.33
雨水 [Bq/L] I-131:2.06
降下物 [Bq/m2] I-131:3.65 (4/3)
芝 [Bq/kg] I-131:9.54,Cs-134:0.23,Cs-137:0.41
草 [Bq/kg] I-131:2.84
野菜 [Bq/kg] I-131:1.42
牛乳 [Bq/kg] I-131:0.32
山羊乳 [Bq/kg] I-131:1.11,Cs-134:0.09

F. P. Garcia, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Traces of fission products in southeast Spain after the Fukushima nuclear accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:2.63,Cs-134:0.10,Cs-137:0.09
雨水 [Bq/L] I-131:1.10,Cs-134:0.022,Cs-137:0.05 (要旨의 単位는 틀림)
차드 [Bq/kg] I-131:0.97
山羊치즈 [Bq/kg] I-131:0.52

R. L. Lozano, Environment International
Radioactive impact of Fukushima accident on the Iberian Peninsula: Evolution and plume previous pathway
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:3.69,I-132:0.162,Cs-134:0.88,Cs-137:0.95,Te-132:0.175

■ 이태리
M. Clemenza, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Measurement of airborne 131I, 134Cs and 137Cs due to the Fukushima reactor incident in Milan (Italy)
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.4,Cs-134:0.08,Cs-137:0.09

A. Ioannidou, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Fukushima fallout at Milano, Italy
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.467,Cs-134:0.061,Cs-137:0.063
降下物 [Bq/m2] I-131:0.4,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:0.24 (4/6)
土壌 [Bq/kg] I-131:1.99,Cs-134:0.83,Cs-137:85.17
雨水 [Bq/L] I-131:0.891,Cs-134:0.057,Cs-137:0.859
雪 [Bq/L] I-131:0.277,Cs-134:0.067,Cs-137:0.068
草 [Bq/kg] I-131:0.135,Cs-134:0.021,Cs-137:0.089
牛乳 [Bq/L] I-131:0.208,Cs-134:0.067,Cs-137:0.684
山羊乳 [Bq/L] I-131:0.246,Cs-134:0.069,Cs-137:0.796

M. Barsanti, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Environmental radioactivity analyses in Italy following the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.8
降下物 [Bq/m2] I-131:17.8(3/24-28),Cs-134:0.11(4/1-30),Cs-137:0.17(4/1-30)
羊乳 [Bq/L] I-131:4.9,Cs-137:0.33(平均)

L. Tositti, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Comparison of radioactivity data measured in PM10 aerosol samples at two elevated stations in northern Italy during the Fukushima event
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.250,Cs-134:0.220,Cs-137:0.250

■ 프랑스
P. Loaiza, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Air radioactivity levels following the Fukushima reactor accident measured at the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane, France
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.56,Cs-134:0.035,Cs-137:0.031,Te-132:0.006
草 [mBq/m2] I-131:0.241,Cs-134:0.068,Cs-137:0.069

V. Parache, Environmental Science & Technology
Transfer of 131I from Fukushima to the vegetation and milk in France

F. Perrot, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Evidence of 131I and 134,137Cs activities in Bordeaux, France due to the Fukushima nuclear accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:2.4,Cs-134:0.17,Cs-137:0.2
雨水 [Bq/L] I-131:3.5
草 [Bq/kg] I-131:15.4,Cs-134:0.63,Cs-137:0.69
牛乳 [Bq/L] I-131:0.9

O. Evrard, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Evidence of the radioactive fallout in France due to the Fukushima nuclear accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.20,Cs-134:0.007,Cs-137:0.01
土壌 [Bq/kg] I-131:0.4,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:3.2
草 [Bq/kg] I-131:11,Cs-134:1.6,Cs-137:1.6
浮遊砂 [Bq/kg] I-131:60,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:8

■ 모나코
M. K. Pham, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Detection of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident radioactive traces in Monaco
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.354,Cs-134:0.030,Cs-137:0.037
降下物 [Bq/m2] Cs-134:0.0137,Cs-137:0.0191 (1日間)

■ 독일
D. Pittauerova, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Fukushima fallout in Northwest German environmental media
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:2
雨水 [Bq/kg] I-131:0.43,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:ND
土壌 [Bq/kg] I-131:0.068,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:3.0
川砂 [Bq/kg] I-131:0.45,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:2.67
草 [Bq/kg] I-131:3.58,Cs-134:0.32,Cs-137:1.59
牛乳 [Bq/kg] I-131:0.08,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:ND

■ 폴란드
M. Dlugosz-Lisiecka, Journal of Environmental Monitoring
Aerosol residence times and changes in radioiodine-131I and radiocaesium-137Cs activity over Central Poland after the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear reactor accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:8.301,Cs-134:0.6072,Cs-137:0.7530

■ 그리스
M. Manolopoulou, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Radioiodine and radiocesium in Thessaloniki, Northern Greece due to the Fukushima nuclear accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.497,Cs-134:0.126,Cs-137:0.145
雨水 [Bq/L] I-131:0.7
羊乳 [Bq/L] I-131:1.2

P. Kritidis, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Radioactive pollution in Athens, Greece due to the Fukushima nuclear accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.49,Cs-134:0.16,Cs-137:0.18
降下物 [Bq/m2] I-131:34 (総降下量)
土壌 [Bq/kg] I-131:ND,Cs-134:1.7,Cs-137:7.0
草 [Bq/kg] I-131:2.1,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:1.5
羊乳 [Bq/kg] I-131:1.7,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:0.6

C. Potiriadis, Radiation Protection Dosimetry
Environmental radioactivity measurements in Greece following the Fukushima Daichi nuclear accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.585(粒子),Cs-134:?,Cs-137:?
羊乳 [Bq/L] I-131:2
 ※ 未入手,要旨情報에서.

M. Manolopoulou, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Radiation measurements and radioecological aspects of fallout from the Fukushima nuclear accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.497,Cs-134:0.126,Cs-137:0.145
雨水 [Bq/L] I-131:0.69,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:ND
降下量 [Bq/m2] I-131:1.21 (3/28-29)
土壌 [Bq/kg] I-131:ND,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:46
草 [Bq/kg] I-131:1.31,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:0.38
牛乳 [Bq/kg] I-131:1.2,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:0.15

■ 리투아니아
G. Lujaniene, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Radionuclides from the Fukushima accident in the air over Lithuania: measurement and modelling approaches
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:3.70,I-132:0.12,Cs-134/Cs-137:約1,Cs-136:0.08,Cs-137:1.04,Te-129:0.40,Te-129m:0.75,Te-132:0.13
大気 [nBq/m3] Pu-239+240:44.5
 ※ Pu-238/Pu-239+240 = 1.2で、福島第一原発由来로 생각된다 함.

A. Gudelis, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Radionuclides in the ground-level atmosphere in Vilnius, Lithuania, in March 2011, detected by gamma-ray spectrometry
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:3.45,I-132:0.083,Cs-134:0.896,Cs-136:0.065,Cs-137:0.893,Te-129m:0.594,Te-132:0.077

■ 루마니아
C. Cosma, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Indicators of the Fukushima radioactive release in NW Romania
雨水 [Bq/L] I-131:1.69,Cs-134:0.054,Cs-137:0.078
牛乳 [Bq/L] I-131:0.37,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:ND
羊乳 [Bq/L] I-131:9.22,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:ND
羊肉 [Bq/kg] I-131:0.36,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:ND
羊の甲状腺 [Bq/kg] I-131:180.7,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:ND
牧草 [Bq/kg] I-131:2.55,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:ND

■ 세르비아
I. Bikit, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Airborne radioiodine in northern Serbia from Fukushima
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:2.7,Cs-134:0.17
雨水 [Bq/L] I-131:1.8
山羊乳 [Bq/L] I-131:2.4
羊乳 [Bq/L] I-131:1.7,Cs-137:0.37
ほうれん草 [Bq/kg] I-131:1.2,Cs-137:2.2

■ 스발바르諸島(노르웨이)
J. Paatero, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Airborne fission products in the high Arctic after the Fukushima nuclear accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.810,Cs-134:0.659,Cs-137:0.675

■ 유럽複数国
P. Bossew, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Radioactivity from Fukushima Dai-ichi in air over Europe; part 1: spatio-temporal analysis
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:約5

G. Kirchner, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Radioactivity from Fukushima Dai-ichi in air over Europe; part 2: what can it tell us about the accident?
제시된 것은 放射能比뿐

O. Masson, Environmental Science & Technology
Tracking of airborne radionuclides from the damaged Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear reactors by European networks

■ 러시아
A. Bolsunovsky, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Evidence of the radioactive fallout in the center of Asia (Russia) following the Fukushima Nuclear Accident
雪水 [Bq/L] I-131:0.62,Cs-134:0.095,Cs-137:0.075
雨水 [Bq/L] I-131:0.058,Cs-134:0.006,Cs-137:0.007
松葉 [Bq/kg] I-131:3.28,Cs-134:0.74,Cs-137:1.03
에어필터 [Bq] I-131:0.63,Cs-134:0.11,Cs-137:0.20

■ 타이완
C.-A. Huh, Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Fukushima-derived fission nuclides monitored around Taiwan: Free tropospheric versus boundary layer transport
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.5,Cs-134:1.1,Cs-137:1.5

S.-C. Hsu, Geophysical Research Letters
Hemispheric dispersion of radioactive plume laced with fission nuclides from the Fukushima nuclear event
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.1,Cs-134:0.003,Cs-137:0.003 (티벳高原)

■ 한국
C.-K. Kim, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Radiological impact in Korea following the Fukushima nuclear accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:3.12,Cs-134:1.19,Cs-137:1.25
雨水 [Bq/L] I-131:2.81,Cs-134:1.67,Cs-137:2.02
降下物 [Bq/m2] I-131:2.35,Cs-134:0.97,Cs-137:0.99 (4/1-30)
表層海水 [mBq/kg] Cs-137:2.55,Sr-90:1.24
表層海水 [μBq/kg] Pu-239+240:6.36
深層海水 [mBq/kg] Cs-137:2.21,Sr-90:1.21
深層海水 [μBq/kg] Pu-239+240:25.8
 ※ Pu-240/Pu-239 = 0.2前後로事故前과 같은 程度라 함.
魚 [Bq/kg] I-131:ND,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:0.25
海藻 [Bq/kg] I-131:0.32,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:ND

■ 베트남
N. Q. Long, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Atmospheric radionuclides from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear reactor accident observed in Vietnam
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.193,Cs-134:0.033,Cs-137:0.037



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