후쿠시마는 지금 - 아이들이 있는 곳에서.....

작성자별의정원|작성시간13.06.13|조회수98 목록 댓글 0

#후쿠시마는 지금 

공간 선량이 0.928 ㎲ v / h 이라는 것은
여기의 땅은 더 선량이 높다는 것입니다.
거기에 고등학생들은 블루 시트를 깔고,
자신의 가방이나 옷을 갈아입고 도시락 등을 두고 있습니다.
그리고 여기에 앉아 휴식도 하는 것입니다.
이를 인솔하는 각 학교의 교사는 위험하다고는 생각하지 않네요.
By どうする福島


Kaiseizan athletic field of Koriyama shi, Fukushima ken (about 60+km off Daiichi)

Always expect the unexpected in Fukushima. Let's just take the kids to a radioactive outdoor activity ... shall we? 

Here, high school kids are brought in to this extremely radioactive area by irresponsible teachers. The exposure level taken 'at about 1m off) the ground is screaming near 1 uSv/hr (0.928 uSv). We can only imaging what the levels would be closer to the ground.

The kids settled their lunch box, clothes and bags over a blue sheet. The teachers reassured everyone that this area is safe.

I cannot actually find the right words to describe this madness. We have officially entered the age of "stupid" ! These teachers should have their licenses to teach revoked. 

Please protect your children. All you need to know is 0.23 uSv is the "legal" limit. Anything above that is "illegal" and potentially dangerous! Near 1 uSv is attempted murder! Not just because of the energy that this insane amount represents externally, but also because it implies a gigantic concentration of unknown isotopes that your children may inhale or ingest AT ANY MOMENT! 

When I say Evacuate ... I really mean Evacuate! Not simply because of radiation itself ... but because of constant lies from this government that is putting us and our children in harm's way. 

Again, protect your children against these criminals.
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