[4호기]일본원전 4호기 지금 '위험한 상태 " - 냉각 시스템 작동이 중단, 남자는 헬리콥터로 이송

작성자별의정원|작성시간12.12.21|조회수91 목록 댓글 0

후쿠시마 작업자 : 연료 저장조 번호 4 콘크리트 강화가 몹시 악화되고 ... 지금 '위험한 상태 " - 냉각 시스템 작동이 중단, 남자는 헬리콥터로 이송



원자력 노동자는 펌프를 대체하려고 비상을 위해 수집하지만 그들이 해결하기 위해 2 ~ 3 일 더 걸렸다고 말한다. (추가 노동자도 밤에 헬리콥터에 의해 제기되었다.)

비상 사태에 대한 수집하는 원자력 노동자에 따르면, SFP를 강화하기 위해 콘크리트는 정말 '위험 상태'에 있어서 악화되고 있어요.

 무라타대사 : "나는 국가 신문 회사, NHK 및 주요 매스 미디어의 영향력있는 사람들의 모든 주요 편집자에게 이메일을 발송하지만 그 사람들이 다 무시. 나는 충격을 받았다.

On December 11, 2012, Japanese journalist Iwakami Yasumi received this email from Mitsuhei Murata, former Japanese ambassador to Switzerland

I received this message on 12/9/2012.

The pump of the SFP in reactor4 had been having the spotty trouble, but it went out of order on 12/8/2012 at the end.

Nuclear workers were collected for emergency to replace the pump but it takes more 2~3 days to fix they say. (Extra workers were brought by helicopter even at night.)

According to a nuclear worker collected for emergency, the concrete to reinforce the SFP is terribly deteriorating to be in the “dangerous state”.

[...] a former executive manager of a major company commented this, which is very insightful.

“My fear has come into the truth. If it was merely the problem of the pump, it wouldn’t be such an issue but if the base to support SFP4 has some damage where we can’t see, the situation is much more serious.” [...]

Ambassador Murata: “I sent this email to all the chief editors of national newspaper companies, NHK and influential people of major mass media but they all ignored it. I was shocked. I called the manager of disaster headquarter of Fukushima prefectural government but he didn’t know that. It seems like they didn’t report it to Fukushima local government. ”

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