
[스크랩] Alfred Stevens

작성자睦園 박이환|작성시간14.05.28|조회수46 목록 댓글 1

*알프레드 스티븐스(1823-1906)*


Belgian Academic Classical painter

born 11 May 1823 - died 24 August 1906
Afternoon in the Park
Oil on canvas, c.1885
Public collection
 "보고 싶다"


사랑하는 사람들은
"보고 싶다"는 말을 좋아한다.

"보고 싶다"는 말에는
수많은 의미가 담겨 있다.

"보고 싶다"는 말은
사랑이 시작되었음을 알려주는 말이다.

"보고 싶다"는 말은
사랑하고 있다는 증거이다.

"보고 싶다"는
순수한 애정의 표현이다.

"보고 싶다"는 말은
사랑의 고백이다.

"보고 싶다"는

 Portrait of a Woman
Oil on canvas
Private collection
 Portrait of Mrs. Howe (n? Deering)
Oil on canvas, 1900
49 x 36 inches (124.46 x 91.44 cm)
Public collection
 Femme ?la poupee japonaise [Lady with a Japanese Doll]
Oil on canvas, 1894
32 x 25 5/8
inches (81.3 x 65.4 cm)
Private collection
 Portrait of a Young Woman
Oil on canvas, c.1870
Public collection
 In the Country
Oil on canvas, c.1867
Public collection
 Lady at a Window Feeding Birds
Oil on canvas laid down on panel, c.1859
17 3/4 x 14 3/4
inches (45.09 x 37.47 cm)
Public collection
Oil on canvas, 1854
Public collection
 La Femme ?la Harpe [Lady with a Harp]
Oil on panel
23 1/2 x 17 3/4
inches (60 x 45.1 cm)
Private collection
 The Love Letter
Oil on canvas
Public collection
 Woman Wearing a Bracelet
Oil on panel
Public collection
 The Bath
Oil on canvas
Private collection
 La Doloureuse Certitude
Oil on canvas
31 3/8 x 23 1/2
inches (80 x 60 cm)
Private collection
 La Tricoteuse [The Knitter]
Oil on canvas
20 3/8 x 15 5/8
inches (52 x 40 cm)
Private collection
 Une Poup?
Oil on canvas
Private collection
 Femme Elegante Voyant Filer Un Vapeur
Oil on canvas, 1884
36 1/4 x 28 5/8
inches (92.1 x 73 cm)
Private collection
 La Boule De Verre [The Glass Ball]
Oil on canvas
36 3/8 x 25 1/2
inches (92.7 x 64.8 cm)
Private collection
 L'Inde A Paris; Le Bibelot Exotique [India in Paris: The Exotic Curio]
Oil on canvas
29 x 23 1/2
inches (73.7 x 59.7 cm)
Private collection
 Quai Aux Fleurs
Oil on canvas
24 x 19 3/4
inches (61 x 50.2 cm)
Private collection
 The Baroness von Munchhausen
Oil on panel
8 1/4 x 6 1/4
inches (21 x 15.9 cm)
Private collection
스크랩 원문 : 예술의 오솔길
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  • 작성자김지영(16회) | 작성시간 14.05.28 민중을 그린 예술에서 상류층 여인들의 초상화를 대부분 그렸습니다.
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    그림의 터치가 섬세하고 색상이 매우 세련되게 보입니다.
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