
[스크랩] 라파엘의 낭만 - Edward Robert Hughes

작성자睦園 박이환|작성시간13.03.15|조회수54 목록 댓글 0







Edward Robert Hughes




















Midsummer Eve






Woman Walking her Dog






Monna Giovanna







Idle Tears






In the Grass





Making Music





Twixt hope and fear









The Princess Out of School






The Shrew Katherina






Tithe in Kind














Oh, what's that in the hollow...






Weary Moon









Pack Clouds Away And Welcome Day





Pastoral (sketch)





Returning Home






Heart of Snow





Diana's Maidens 





 Betruccio's Bride








The Valkyrie's Vigil 














Twilight Fantasies









Night with her Train of Stars








Byram's Tryst






 Portrait of Rosalind
















Edward Robert Hughes (1851 – 1914) is a well known English painter who worked in a style influenced by Pre-Raphaelitism and Aestheticism. Some of his best known works are Midsummer Eve and Night With Her Train of Stars. Hughes was the nephew of Arthur Hughes. He often used watercolour/gouache. He was elected ARWS in 1891 and chose as his diploma work for election to full membership a mystical piece inspired by a verse by Christina Rossetti's Amor Mundi. Technically Hughes experimented with ambitious techniques. He was a perfectionist who did numerous studies which in their own right turned out to be good enough for exhibition. He was also an assistant to the elderly William Holman Hunt. He helped the increasingly infirm Hunt with the version of The Light of the World now in St. Paul's Cathedral and with The Lady of Shalott. He died on April 23 1914 at his cottage (no. 3 Romeland) in St. Albans, Hertfordshire.




L'arlésienne: Suite no 2




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