[스크랩] BREAKING — 11 Killed in Paris Terrorist Attack

작성자예파 성백문|작성시간15.01.07|조회수19 목록 댓글 0

BREAKING — 11 Killed in Paris Terrorist Attack 

Offices of Charlie Hebdo

Offices of Charlie Hebdo
Photo Credit: Screenshot

Eleven people have been killed and 10 wounded, 5 seriously wounded and 5 lightly in a what appears to be a terrorist attack in the offices of the Charlie Hebdo satire magazine on boulevard Richard-Lenoir in Paris (Paris XI).

Two policemen have been killed among the 11.

At least 2 or 3 gunman are believed to have been involved, shooting Kalashnikov rifles.

Witnesses say they heard the shooters say, “We’ve avenged the honor of the prophet!” according to Sky News.

According to La Figaaro, the gunman are on the run after a shootout with policemen.

The magazine has published anti-ISIS and Prophet Mohammed cartoons in the past.

The following is the most recent cartoon published by Charlie Hebdo:

A recently published cartoon by Charlie Hebdo criticizing the leader of the Islamic state, Al-Baghdadi.

A recently published cartoon by Charlie Hebdo criticizing the leader of the Islamic state, Al-Baghdadi.

About the Author: brings you the latest in Jewish news from around the world. 

스크랩 원문 : 가창초등학교
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