Netanyahu to Lash Out in UN at Palestinian Authority Incitement

작성자예파 성백문|작성시간15.09.29|조회수47 목록 댓글 2

Netanyahu to Lash Out in UN at Palestinian Authority Incitement

The Prime Minister also will meet with John Kerry and Jewish leaders.
Netanyahu draws his "red line" in 2012 speech at the United Nations.

Netanyahu draws his "red line" in 2012 speech at the United Nations.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will lash out at Palestinian Authority incitement on the Temple Mount in his speech at the United Nations on Tuesday, government sources reported.

He also will tell an unreceptive Generals Assembly that Israelis are on the front line against the threat of a nuclear Iran. Sources in the office of the Prime Minister said the speech will be very “powerful,” but now that the Iran deal is just about history,

it is doubtful that his appearance will match the attention-getting event three years ago when he drew a picture of Iran’s approaching the “red line” beyond which it cannot be stopped from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

Prime Minister Netanyahu also will blame the Palestinian Authority for the failure of the “peace process.” which is hardly on the back-burner while the Islamic State (ISIS) and Russia’s involvement in the Syrian civil war have become the focus of American worries..

After his speech, he is expected to meet with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and later with Jewish leaders.

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