[하와이 오아후섬, 호놀룰루/와이키키 주변지역]
『2024년 9~10월』 주요 퍼레이드 및 거리행사 일정
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2024년 9월중 행사일정
September 7, 2024 Saturday 12:00 PM Roads Close 12:00 AM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | FESTA ITALIANA sponsored by Events International, Inc. The event is expected to have 3,000+ participants. The event will close Cooke St., all lanes between Halekauwila St. and Pohukaina St. and Pohukaina St., all lanes between Coral St. and Cooke St. Contact: Zachary DiIonno 634-6367, Email: zach@cialohagroup.com. For more info, visit their website at www.festaitalianahawaii.com THIS PERMIT APPLICATION HAS BEEN CANCELLED BY THE APPLICANT. |
September 8, 2024 Sunday 4:00 PM Lanes Close 7:30 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | 23RD ANNIVERSARY MAYOR'S REMEMBRANCE WALK sponsored by the City & County of Honolulu, Mayor's Office of Culture and the Arts. This event is a First Amendment activity and is expected to have 200+ participants. The event will start at HPD's Main Station on S. Beretania St., to Alapai St., to South St., to Queen St., to Punchbowl St., to end on S. King St. fronting Honolulu Hale. Contact: Angelica Fajardo 768-6628. Email: angelica.fajardo@honolulu.gov This permit application has been approved. |
September 14, 2024 Saturday 9:30 AM Event Begins 11:30 AM Event Ends (Approximate) | OUT OF DARKNESS WALK sponsored by American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Hawaii Chapter. The event is expected to have 500 participants. It will start on Civic Center grounds fronting the Sky Gate, to S. King St., to Alapai St., to Beretania St., to Punchbowl St., to S. King St., to end at Sky Gate. Event will be on sidewalks only. Contact: Cathryn Langan 469-1650, Email: catlangan.afsphi@gmail.com. For more info, visit their website: www.afsp.org/hawaii This permit application has been approved. |
September 14, 2024 Saturday 9:00 AM Lanes Close 9:45 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | MILILANI HIGH SCHOOL HOMECOMING PARADE sponsored by Mililani High School. The event is expected to have 400+ marchers, 12 vehicles & 1 band. It will start at Mililani HS parking lot, left onto Meheula Pkwy., left onto Hookelewaa St., right onto Kipapa Dr., left onto Kuahelani Ave., right onto Moenamanu St., left onto Kipapa Dr., and end at MHS Stadium. Contact: Danielle Castro 307-4265, Fax: 627-7375, Email: danielle.castro@k12.hi.us This permit application has been approved. |
September 14, 2024 Saturday 2:00 PM Road Closes 12:00 AM Road Reopens (Approximate) | WAIKIKI STREET JAM sponsored by Mega Load Burgers. The event is expected to have 10,000+ participants. The event will close Kalakaua Avenue., all lanes and sidewalk areas from Seaside Ave. to Uluniu Ave. Lane closures start at 12:30pm for set up. Contact: Crisitna Wallace 531-5050, Email:megaloadburgers@outlook.com This permit application has been approved. |
September 15, 2024 Sunday 8:00 AM Event Begins 11:00 AM Event Ends (Approximate) | HAWAII STATE TEAM TIME TRIAL CHAMPIONSHIPS sponsored by Aloha State Bicycle Racing Association/Wolf Pack Cycling. The race will begin near Kualoa Beach Park and run 12.5 miles on Kamehameha Hwy., u-turn near Laie shopping center, and end near Kualoa Beach Park. Contact: Tony Lang 321-2338, Email: tonylang808@yahoo.com This permit application has been approved. |
September 20, 2024 Friday 3:00 PM Lanes Close 4:00 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | MOANALUA HIGH SCHOOL HOMECOMING PARADE sponsored by Moanalua High School. The event is expected to have 600 marchers, 4 vehicles & 1 band. It will start at MHS Student Parking Lot to Ala Ilima St., to Ala Nanala St., to Likini St., to Ala Napunani St., end at MHS student parking lot. Contact: Neilson Ishida (808) 305-1026 Email: neilson.ishida@k12.hi.us This permit application has been approved. |
September 21, 2024 Saturday 3:00 PM Road Closes 1:00 AM Road Reopens (Approximate) | ALOHA FESTIVALS WAIKIKI HO'OLAULEA/STREET FEST sponsored by Aloha Week Hawaii, Incorporated. The event expected to have 10,000+ participants. Makai curb lane of Kalakaua Ave. will be closed from 1 pm for setup. The event will close Kalakaua Avenue, all lanes from Seaside Ave. to Kapahulu Ave. Contact: Rick Egged 923-0775, Email: rick@waikikiimprovement.com For more info, visit their website: http://www.alohafestivals.com/. This permit application has been submitted. |
September 28, 2024 Saturday 8:30 AM Roads Close 1:00 PM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | ALOHA FESTIVALS FLORAL PARADE sponsored by Aloha Week Hawaii, Inc/Aloha Festivals/Waikiki Improvement Association. The event is expected to have 1,500 participants, 15 vehicles, 9 bands & 7 floats. It will start at Ala Moana Park ewa entrance/exit, to Ala Moana Blvd., to Kalakaua Ave., to Monsarrat Ave., to end at Waikiki Shell Parking Lot in Queen Kapiolani Park. Contact: Toni Lee 222-7853, Email: info@alohafestivals.com or For more info, visit their website:http://www.alohafestivals.com/ This permit application has been submitted. |
September 28, 2024 Saturday 2:00 PM Roads Close 11:30 PM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | KAILUA FALL FESTIVAL sponsored by Krave Marketing Group LLC. The event is expected to have 5000 participants. The event will close Hahani St. between Kailua Rd. and USPS driveway. Contact: Ben Marumoto 429-8846, Email: ben@kravemarketinggroup.com For more info visit their website at http://www.kravemarketingllc.com/ This permit application has been submitted. |
September 29, 2024 Sunday 5:00 AM Lanes Close 12:00 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | HONOLULU CENTURY BIKE RIDE sponsored by Hawaii Bicycling League. The event expected to have 1,800 cyclists. It will start at Kalakaua Ave., mauka half near Monsarrat, to Monsarrat Ave., to Paki Ave., to Diamond Head Rd., to Kahala Ave., to Elepaio St., to Kilauea Ave., to Kalanianaole Hwy., to Lunalilo Home Rd., to Hawaii Kai Dr., to Kealahou St., to Kalanianaole Hwy., 25 milers turnaround at Sandy Beach to Kalanianaole Hwy., to Kealahou St., to Hawaii Kai Dr., to Lunalilo Home Rd., to Wailua St., to Keahole St., to Hawaii Kai Dr., and return to start, others continue, to Kalanianaole Hwy, to Hihimanu St., to Ahiki St., to Waikupanaha St., to Kumuhau St., to Kalanianaole Hwy., to Keolu Dr., to Wanaao Rd., to Kailua Rd., to Kailua Rd., to Kainalu Dr., 50 milers turnaround at Kailua Intermediate School and return to start, others continue to Kainalu Dr., to Kainui Dr., to N. Kalaheo Ave., to Kaneohe Bay Dr., to Kahekili Hwy., to Kamehameha Hwy. past Hygenic Store, 75 milers turnaround at 7-11 Aid Station and return to start, others continue, to Kamehameha Hwy., 100 milers turnaround at Swanzy Beach Park and return to start via Kamehameha Hwy., to Kahekili Hwy., to Keaahala Rd., to Kamehameha Hwy., to Kaneohe Bay Dr., to Mokapu Saddle Rd., to Oneawa St., to Kainui Dr., and continue via same route to end at Kapiolani Park. Contact: Chris Salas 805-428-5108, Email: chris@hbl.org For more info, visit their website: http://www.hbl.org/ This permit application has been submitted. |
2024년 10월중 행사일정
October 4, 2024 Friday 2:30 PM Road Closes 4:00 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | PEARL CITY HIGH SCHOOL HOMECOMING PARADE sponsored by Pearl City High School. The event is expected to have 500 marchers & 1 band. It will start at Pearl City High School, to Hookiekie St., to Hoomoana St., to Hoolaulea St., to Hoomaemae St., to Waimano Home Rd., and end at Pacheco Park parking lot. Contact: Kyle Miyashiro 307-5552, Fax: 453-6521, E-mail: kyle.miyashiro@k12.hi.us This permit application has been approved. |
October 4, 2024 Friday 4:00 PM Road Closes 5:00 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | NANAKULI HIGH & INTER SCHOOL HOMECOMING PARADE sponsored by Nanakuli High & Intermediate School. The event is expected to have 150 marchers, 8 vehicles & 1 band. It will start at 89-235 Pua Ave., left onto Nanakuli Ave., mauka on Nanakuli Ave., end at 89-980 Nanakuli Ave. Nanakuli High School parking lot. Contact: Robin Kitsu 753-2811, Fax: 668-5828, E-mail: robin.kitsu@k12.hi.us This permit application has been submitted. |
October 5, 2024 Saturday 11:30 AM Road Closes 1:30 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | SOLIDARITY MARCH FOR PEACE. This is a First Amendment activity and is expected to have 300+ marchers. It will start at Ala Moana Park, to Ala Moana Blvd., to Kalakaua Ave., to Monsarrat Ave., end at Waikiki Shell Parking Lot in Queen Kapiolani Park. Contact: Ku'uleilani Souza (323) 412-0554 E-mail: h4p808@gmail.com This permit application has been submitted. |
October 5, 2024 Saturday 1:00 PM Road Closes 11:00 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | WAIPAHU STREET FEST sponsored by Kamehameha Schools. The event is expected to have 1,000+ participants. The event will close Hikimoe St., all lanes and sidewalk areas from Waipahu Depot Rd. to Kaihuailani St. and Waipahu Depot Rd. from Hikimoe St. to Farrington Hwy. Contact: Benjamin Balberdi 534-8475, E-mail: bebalber@ksbe.edu THIS PERMIT APPLICATION HAS BEEN CANCELLED BY THE APPLICANT. |
October 6, 2024 Sunday 7:00 AM Road Closes 5:00 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | 31ST ANNUAL CHILDREN AND YOUTH DAY 2024 sponsored by Kama'aina Care Inc. The event is expected to have 10,000+ participants. The event will close Punchbowl St., all lanes and sidewalk areas from Beretania St. to King St. Contact: Jeff Subee 262-3623, Email: info@hawaiicyd.org For more information visit their website at www.kamaainakids.com and www.hawaiicyd.org This permit application has been submitted. |
October 12, 2024 Saturday 2:00 PM Road Closes 12:00 AM Road Reopens (Approximate) | WAIKIKI FALL FESTIVAL sponsored by Mega Load Burgers. The event is expected to have 10,000+ participants. The event will close Kalakaua Avenue., all lanes and sidewalk areas from Seaside Ave. to Uluniu Ave. Lane closures start at 12:30pm for set up. Contact: Crisitna Wallace 531-5050, Email:megaloadburgers@outlook.com This permit application has been submitted. |
October 13, 2024 Sunday 6:00 AM Lanes Close 10:00 AM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | MORE THAN PINK BY SUSAN G. KOMEN HAWAII sponsored by Susan G. Komen Foundation. The event is expected to have 3,000 runners/walkers. It will start at Honolulu Marathon Finish Line near Bandstand, to Monsarrat Ave., to Paki Ave., to Kalakaua Ave., end at Honolulu Marathon Finish Line near Bandstand. Contact: Alan Sunio 753-1999, Email: aysunio@yahoo.com For more info, visit their website: www.komenhawaii.org This permit application has been submitted. |
October 16, 2024 Wednesday 5:30 PM Lanes Close 6:30 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | KAISER HIGH SCHOOL HOMECOMING PARADE sponsored by Kaiser High School. The event is expected to have 300 marchers, 10 vehicles, 4 floats, and 1 band. It will start at Koko Head District Park, to Anapalau St., to Lunalilo Home Rd., and end at Kaiser High School. Contact: Paul Balazs 738-7954, Email: paul.balazs@k12.hi.us This permit application has been submitted. |
October 16, 2024 Wednesday 6:00 PM Lanes Close 7:30 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | LEILEHUA HIGH SCHOOL CENTENNIAL sponsored by Leilehua High School. The event is expected to have 1,000 marchers, 10 vehicles, and 2 bands. It will start at Ka'ala Elementary School, to California Ave., and end at Fred Wright Park. Contact: Jason Nakamoto 305-3000, Email: jason.nakamoto@k12.hi.us This permit application has been submitted. |
October 18, 2024 Friday 3:15 PM Lanes Close 4:15 PM Lanes Reopen (Approximate) | WAIPAHU HIGH SCHOOL HOMECOMING PARADE sponsored by Waipahu High School. The event is expected to have 300 marchers, 1 vehicles, 1 float & 1 band. It will start at Waipahu High School, to Waipio Access Rd., to Kahualii St., to Kahuaina St., to Kahuanani St., to Kahuanui St., to Paiwa St., to Awanui St., to Awalai St., to Waipio Access Rd., to end at Waipahu High School Contact: Joy Takara 528-9552, Fax: 675-0257, E-mail: joy.takara@k12.hi.us This permit application has been submitted. |
October 19, 2024 Saturday 3:30 PM Road Closes 6:00 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | HONOLULU PRIDE PARADE sponsored by Hawaii LGBT Legacy Foundation. The parade is a First Amendment event and is expected to have 5,000 marchers, 15 floats, 35 vehicles, & 5 bands. It will start at Atkinson/Ala Moana Blvd., to Ala Moana Blvd., to Kalakaua Ave., to Monsarrat Ave., to end at Queen Kapiolani Park. Contact: Hawai'i LGBT Legacy Foundation 808-369-2000, Email: HonoluluPride@HawaiiLGBTLegacyFoundation.com This permit application has been submitted. |
October 20, 2024 Sunday 6:30 AM Road Closes 2:00 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | HAWAII STATE CRITERIUM CHAMPIONSHIP sponsored by Aloha State Bike Racing Association. The event is expected to have 100 participants. It will start on Kahelu Ave., to Palii St., to Akamainui St. in multiple loops. Contact: Joshua Ludwig 541-971-2606, Email: navybeaver@yahoo.com This permit application has been submitted. |
October 20, 2024 Sunday 5:30 AM Road Closes 8:30 AM Road Reopens (Approximate) | WINDWARD 25K sponsored by Mid Pacific Roadrunners Club. The event is expected to have 500 participants. It will start at Kailua Beach Park, to Kawailoa Rd., to Kalaheo Rd., to Mokapu Rd. u-turn before Marine Base, to Mokapu Blvd, to Kaneohe Bay Dr., to Mokapu Rd., u turn before Marine Base, to Kalaheo Rd., into Kailua Beach Park, to Mokulua Rd., to Aalapapa Dr., to Mokulua Rd., to end at Kailua Beach Park. Contact: Joan Davis 535-9070, Email: joaniediva1@gmail.com. For more info visit their website: http://www.mprrc.com/ This permit application has been submitted. |
October 26, 2024 Saturday 2:00 PM Road Closes 10:00 PM Road Reopens (Approximate) | FALL FEST sponsored by the Moanalua Gardens Missionary Church. The event is expected to have 1,000+ participants. The event will close all traffic lanes/sidewalk areas on Mahiole St. from Onipaa St. to 1424 Mahiole St. Contact: Charis Logan 358-9071, Email: charischinen@gmail.com This permit application has been submitted. |
October 26, 2024 Saturday 3:00 PM Roads Close 2:00 AM Roads Reopen (Approximate) | HALLOWBALOO MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL sponsored by Hawaii Halloween, LLC The event is expected to have 5,000 participants. The event will close all traffic lanes/sidewalk areas, 1) NUUANU AVE., from Chaplain Ln. to N. King St. 2) HOTEL ST., from Richards St. to Alakea St. 3) SMITH ST., from Pauahi St. to King St. 4) PAUAHI ST., from Smith St. to Bethel St. *Buses detoured off of Hotel St. at 4:00 pm. Contact: Mark Tarone 808-271-9140, Email marktarone@gmail.com. This permit application has been submitted. |