Sacramento Kings

자일스를 극찬한 테이텀

작성자마빈베글리|작성시간18.08.25|조회수813 목록 댓글 1

☞ 읽고 삭제하신 다음에 글 작성해주세요

공지사항, 이용지침 필독 요망
 - 글 분량 : 3줄 이상 / 줄당 20자 이상 권장 - 위반시 별도 보관함 이동 가능
- 공지 이외에는 제목 크기 및 굵기 변경 금지. 국내 인터넷기사 무단전재 전면 금지
 - 카페 게시판 상에서의 자료 공유 금지

BS: Who did you think like in like 8th, 9th grade was gonna be the best one out of... like who, did anyone really stand out at age 14?

JT: Harry Giles. He was...he was by far, the best player in our grade. And I'm pretty sure can ask anybody that was in our [draft] class. Like, even in high school, Harry was the only player I would've said in high school, like, "yeah he might be better than me."

BS: Really? I saw him in summer league, he looked good!

JT: Our senior year he didn't play one game and he still was ranked #1. So it shows you that he was...he was the man in high school. I'm excited, I hope he... you know, he's gonna come back. And uh, obviously he has a lot to prove and you know, show everybody what he can do because he's basically taken two years off. In high school, he was by far...he was the best player.

BS: I saw one of those, those Team USA like under 18 or under 19 or whatever one of those that he was in when he was healthy. And it was like "oh my god that guy looks like KG". Like it literally was the same type of... it was like KG had cloned himself as a 17 year old.

JT: I used to call him Chris Webber. That's who I... that's who I thought he used to play like.

BS: Oh that's interesting. Could he pass like him back then?

JT: He could... he could do everything. At 6'11".

빌 시몬스 팟캐스트에 출연한 테이텀이 해리 자일스를 극찬했습니다.
고등학교 당시 그는 단 한 경기도 뛰지 않았지만 랭킹 1위를 할 정도였으며, 최고의 선수였다고 합니다.
또한 시몬스도 자일스가 미국 청소년 국대 시절 흡사 '케빈 가넷'를 연상시키는 플레이를 보여줬다고 하네요.
테이텀도 화답하며 자일스를 크리스 웨버라고 불렀다고 언급하며, 그는 페스플레이를 뭐든 6'11에 모든 것을 할 수 있다고

참고로 테이텀은 자일스와 듀크 동기이며, 절친사이라고 합니다..

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  • 작성자Yoich | 작성시간 18.08.25 자일스가 정말 주변 평이 너무 좋으네요. 서멀리그애서도 좋은 모습이었던것은 맞는데, 자꾸이러면 더욱 기대가 커집니다.....
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