NCAA/해외 게시판

(인사이드더게임)영국농구협회의 벨라루스 원정경기 불참에 대한 FIBA의 "강경한" 입장

작성자환상의 식스맨|작성시간22.02.24|조회수907 목록 댓글 2

Britain has pulled out of its 2023 International Basketball Federation (FIBA) Basketball World Cup qualifier in Belarus amid growing concerns of the crisis involving neighbouring Ukraine and Russia.

The British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office has advised against all travel to six regions of Belarus, and against all but essential travel to the remainder of the country, including its capital Minsk.

It has also urged against all travel to Ukraine, and told British residents situated in the country to leave "while commercial options remain".

The British Basketball Federation (BBF) confirmed that it had held an emergency Board meeting and consulted with its men's team's staff and players, before opting not to travel to Belarus "because of the potential risks involved".

The match had been due to be held in Minsk on Friday (February 25)

It hopes to rearrange the game in a different location or at a different time, although this is subject to an agreement with FIBA.

Britain are due to welcome Belarus on February 28 in the return fixture, with an update on its status yet to be provided.

BBF's interim chair Toni Minichiello explained that the decision had been made in the interests of safety of the British delegation.

"With the news reports of growing tensions in the region, the published advice of the Home Office, and a meeting to gauge the feelings and concerns of both the players and staff, the Board made the decision that the team’s safety and wellbeing is the only priority," Minichiello commented.

"We await to hear from FIBA, but hope that we will be able to play in another location or on another date if FIBA sanctions that."

(간단 요약)

우크라이나와 러시아의 분쟁으로 이웃 국가인 벨라루스도 영국 정부가 여행 자제 국가로 지정하여

영국농구협회가 회의 끝에 벨라루스 원정경기 불참의사를 밝히고

추후 안전한 장소에서 경기가 재개되길 바란다는 내용

영국농구협회장은 선수들의 안전을 위한 내용이라고 밝힘

(이에 대한 FIBA의 답변)

FIBA told insidethegames: "FIBA has made several security assessments concerning the current situation in Ukraine.

"The latest one received today confirm‎s FIBA's decision to proceed with the game as scheduled.

"Players' safety is FIBA's primary concern, and we will constantly eval‎uate the situation to ensure their safety is not compromised.

"Unless the situation changes, the game between Great Britain and Belarus stands as originally scheduled for February 25, 2022."

응, 우리가 확인해보니 안전에 이상 없어.

예정대로 경기할거니까 빨리 벨라루스로 와

경기 안하면 알지? 안오면 몰수패 때린다?

참고로 우크라이나 홈에서 열리는 우크라이나와 스페인의 경기는 FIBA가 "알아서" 연기시켰습니다.

우리의 FIBA는 잠재적 위험성은 저 멀리 던져두고

뭔가 사건이 터져야 조치하는 집단이라는 걸 다시금 알려주네요.

(잠깐만 이거 어디서 많이 봤는데 혹시...??)

(역시 농구계는 항상 똥인지 된장인지 먹어봐야 안다니까~~)

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